Chapter 17

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Warmth. That's what I feel right now. I smile and snuggle closer into my pillow. Huh, my pillow is harder than it was last night but it's still comfortable. I yawn and try to stretch my arms up, but they're stuck under the covers. I wiggle them up. As I do they graze something hard. Weird.

I slowly open my eyes and allow them to adjust to the light. Oh shit! I realize that I'm in Gavin's arms and my hands are on his chest. I must have cuddled next to him because I'm on his side of the bed. Oh god. This is embarrassing, I hope he doesn't wake up. I look around and I see the clock.

It's eight forty. Crap! We have school today and we are already late.

Well first things first. I have to get out of Gavin's arms without him realizing I cuddled up to him last night...

I slowly crawl out of the warm covers. As I manage to squeeze out, Gavin's arm falls to the bed with a little thud. I freeze... Luckily he doesn't wake up from that. I sigh and make my way to the bathroom. I use the toilet, brush my teeth, wash my face and make sure my hair isn't super bed-head-crazy.

Okay, now it's time to wake Gavin up. I walk back out into the room. I see Gavin is still sound asleep on the bed. He's in the same position I left him in. His sleeping face looks so innocent and different than his normal serious face when he's awake. I smile, it's kind of cute. You know, if the jerk Gavin could ever be cute...

I approach his side of the bed. Slowly I reach down and gently shake his arm. His eyes shoot open and once again I'm flat on my back on the bed and Gavin is on top of me. I frown, this position seems familiar.

"Morning." I say in a monotone voice.

"Morning..." He says. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"So, does this happen every time someone wakes you up... Or just with me?" He smirks.

"Just you. Guess you're special or something." I roll my eyes and laugh.

"Yeah sure." I try to push him off me but no matter how hard I push he doesn't budge. I sigh. "You're going to use the fact that I don't have wolf strength against me all the time aren't you?" I ask him.

He nods and smirks. "Oh yeah." I pout out my bottom lip.

"But you have to get off! I'm hungry..." He raises an eyebrow.

"What makes you think that your pouting is going to work on me?" I give him a light smile.

"Because it's cute." He laughs. I feel my heart flutter a little at his sweet laugh.

"Whatever you say." He gets off of me then offers me his hand. I grab it and he pulls me up. "So breakfast?" I nod. "Let me just get all my stuff together. Do you have your wet clothes?" He asks me.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about those." I wonder into the bathroom and pick up all my dirty clothes. I join Gavin in the room and hand him my stuff. He tosses it in his bag then zips it up.

"Ready?" He asks.

I smile, "Yup!" He throws his bag over his shoulder and makes his way to the door. When we get out we go to the main lobby. The same manager is still sitting at the desk reading a book.

Gavin walks up to him and gives him the key and checks out. When he comes back to me he says, "Turns out they don't serve breakfast here..." My jaw drops.

"What kind of hotel doesn't serve breakfast?" I shout angrily. He laughs and shushes me. The manager looks up from his book and shoots me a dirty look. I blush.

"Apparently this one, but that's fine we can just get breakfast back in New Heaven." I look at him concerned.

"You sure you have enough energy? I don't want to push you." I say gently. I feel really bad, plus I don't know Gavin's limits so I'm not sure if he really does have enough energy to take me back or not.

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