Chapter 29

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"It's them!"

"Look mom the savior is here!"

"She's beautiful!"

"They can't help us at all."

"Go back to the Mist Pack."

I feel my face heat up and I keep my head down. All of the members in this pack sure are opinionated. They also don't know how to keep their mouths shut. Ever since we got here and left the carriage people have been looking at me none stop and talking. At first I was embarrassed, but now I'm getting kind of angry. I'm just a normal kid. Why can't they let me enjoy this festival in peace?

"Look Evelyn, the lanterns!" Marla says from behind me.

I turn to my right and see a bunch of lanterns lined up along a river. They are all lit and appear to be hanging on strings. People are crowded around them and are taking pictures. They look so pretty. Maybe they will walk me over there so I can see it up close.

As we come to a fork in our path, I'm about to bank right to head toward the lanterns but Kenneth bears left. The rest of the group follows him so I sigh and go with the group. Damn, I really wanted to see them up close.

We pass by a bunch of little booths. Most of them are being run by kids. The little entrepreneurs are selling cute little crafts and handmade jewelry.

I notice that all the little girls are dressed up like butterflies and the women are dressed like me. The boys are in cute Peter Pan looking costumes and the men are dressed like Gavin and the others. I'm actually glad I listened to Stacey's fashion advice and kept the dress on. I would feel so outcasted without it.

Eventually we make it to a large open court yard. There is a blazing fire in the middle and a few people are dancing to music. There are tables and chairs cluttering the area around the dance floor. Kenneth leads us under a small balcony where there is a table and chairs set up.

Kenneth turns to us. "This is where we will be meeting at the end of the night. So please be careful. The dancing should start around 9, don't forget that either." He claps his hands together and smiles. "Okay, group dismissed."

Wesley lets out a little cheer and runs away. Leonardo rolls his eyes at him but follows his steps anyway. Marla drags Stacey away and soon I'm left alone with Gavin and Kenneth.

"Shall we go to the haunted house?" Kenneth asks me. I turn to him with fear in my eyes.

"Um... I suppose so..." I say nervously. I look at Gavin. "Gavin, do you want to come with us?" I ask.

He shrugs. "I don't know, Haunted Houses aren't really my thing."

Kenneth laughs. "Yeah they aren't his thing, he should be fine here." Kenneth adds.

Gavin turns to Kenneth and raises an eyebrow. "On second thought, the haunted house sounds like a great idea."

I smile and say, "Awesome! Lead the way you guys." Kenneth frowns at Gavin but quickly switches it to a smile.

"It's this way." Kenneth says.

He brings us out from under the balcony and through the dance floor. We pass through what looks to be a grave yard. I'm pretty sure it's real because I am extremely creeped out at the moment. What if there are real spirits lurking?

We finally reach a creepy shack. The sign above reads, 'Haunted House'. How original.

People are lined up for quite a distance. The line curves around and into a street that is near the shack. Hope creeps into me, maybe Kenneth will want to leave because the line is so big, but he doesn't stop his progress toward the shack. I suppose we are going to have to wait in that giant line then. Oh well, I have seen bigger ones. I start to walk to the back of the line when Kenneth catches my wrist.

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