Chapter 22

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Gavin and Seth weren't in school today either... It's been a day since I went to visit them. I can't stop thinking about how Gavin is doing and how he has been treated. Why is Froam so mean to him...? I can't believe this. None of it seems real.

"So what movie do you want to watch?" Jason asks me. We are in his room right now getting ready to watch a movie. I can't seem to get Gavin out of my brain but I can't stop the rest of my life because I can't stop thinking about him.

"I will watch anything. Have any ideas?" I ask. He looks back at his movies. He scrolls through them for a moment, carefully scanning each movie title.

"We can watch the Hangover, Stepbrothers or the Evil Dead."

"Ew" I stick my tongue out, "The Evil Dead is an awful movie." He laughs, "I like Stepbrothers." I say with a shrug.

"Stepbrothers it is." he says. He stands up from the floor with the movie in his hand. He puts the DVD into his Xbox then turns the lights off and joins me in his bed.

"I love this movie it's hilarious." I say with a smile.

"Same, my favorite part is when they build the bunk beds." he says with a laugh. I smile at his comment, then the opening credits begin.

I face the screen and watch the movie.


"Time to eat." A voice says. I look up and see darkness. Huh? As I push myself up a bit, I feel the pressure of cold cement against my legs and palms. A light chill passes through me.

Well, I guess I'm no longer in Jason's comfy bed. I feel the familiar sense of being in a vision and I sigh. At least it's just a vision and I'm not really in some creepy, unknown, cement-filled place.

I hear metal clank up against metal. Then a clicking sound rings around me. Following that is the sound of something scraping along the floor. Someone must be opening a metal door or something. I stand up completely and start to walk toward the noise.

After a bit, I come to a little area that is lit by a small lantern. The lantern is outside a cell and the gate to the cell is open. I walk up to the cell. As I get closer I notice two figures.

One is big. It is standing and has a tray of food in it's hand. The second figure is small and on the ground.

The first figure bends down and places the tray in front of the second figure.

A frail voice speaks up just then. "Thank you." She says.

"You're welcome, now hurry up Ariana. I have things to attend to." The deep voice demands.

Ariana? Oh my god, it's Gavin's sister. I take a step forward and the light partially illuminates a girl. She appears to be around my age and she is sitting on the cold cement floor. Her dark brown hair is dirty and lies on her shoulders at mid length. She quickly eats her food and the man takes the tray from her.

He turns so he is facing me. I recognize his face. He's the man that beat up Trevor. This has to be Froam.

I quickly run away. I have to figure out where I am right now before my vision fades. I managed to find a set of stairs. I hurry up them and open the door at the top of the stairs. Light bursts through the door as I open it and I struggle to adjust my eyes to the sudden brightness. I see that I'm in a decent sized room. It kind of looks like a bedroom since there is a bed, wardrobe, bookshelf and such. The floors are all white tile and the walls are white as well. I hear Froam quickly follow my steps and he appears behind me. I watch as he shuts the door we just came out of, then he slides his bookshelf in front of it to cover up the door.

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