Chapter 34

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I wake up to a cold breeze. I shiver slightly and wrap my blanket tightly around myself for warmth. I feel my head on a pillow but the surface I am on is harder and colder than a bed. I open my eyes and look around me. Where am I? I see a bed stripped of its sheets and I am on the floor. Next to me is a T-shirt and gym shorts. They are boy's clothes. Huh.

Then memories of last night flash through my mind and I blush a little. I can't believe I did that. I wiggle my naked body out of my sheet and put on the t-shirt and shorts. They are both huge on me but I can deal with that. It's comfier this way. I bend my head down and intake the delicious smell. I know this is Gavin's shirt. He smells so good. I could get addicted.

Speaking of Gavin, where is he? This room looks lifeless. The bed is all stripped and everything else looks neat and tidy.

Oh well, I will figure everything out after I pee. I slowly make my way to the bathroom and use the toilet. When I'm done I wash my hands thoroughly and look in the mirror.

Suddenly, I laugh. My appearance is too much for me to bear, my smile spreads straight across my face.

My hair is tussled and I look like a mess. Some makeup has slightly drooped beneath my eyes, and my hair is slightly greasy but it doesn't look terrible. I definitely need a shower though. I peek into Gavin's shower to make sure he has some form of shampoo and conditioner in it. To my luck he does. I start to run the water and shut the bathroom door. I strip out of the clothes and place them on the counter neatly. I glance up in the mirror.

Holy crap! When did I get that bruise?

I touch my leg gently and take a closer look. I see a large bruise riding up the inside of my leg. It isn't painful, but it is kind of funny. I guess Gavin and I were a little rough last night. Well I did tell him not to hold back...

I hop into the shower and take my time scrubbing my body. I wash my hair and my face. As I continue to clean I find little bruises scattered around.

See normally this wouldn't happen, I just have human skin so I'm a little more sensitive than normal female werewolves.

I feel bad for Gavin's wolf. It must be sad knowing he won't ever be able to truly mate with me. Supposedly inner wolves like to take over in wolf form when your with your mate and do the dirty. It officially marks the fact that your wolves are true mates and accept that. Most people don't end up doing that for a while because it is kind of a weird thing. I don't want to imagine what it would be like to do that wolfy style... That's weird.

I rinse off all the soap and hop out of the shower. I grab a towel from the rack and wrap it around me, drying my skin before walking over to the sink. I'm about to put on my clothes when the door opens. I jump back in shock. I sigh in relief as I see Gavin standing there.

"Shit you scared me." I say and hold my beating heart. He laughs.

"Good you're awake, I brought you some breakfast." he says happily. I smile, thank god I am starving!

"Thanks." I say. "Hey Gavin."

"Yeah." he says. I see him eyeing my skimpy towel. I smirk on the inside.

"Where did the sheets on the bed go?" I ask.

"Oh that... we kind of made a mess of them..." he says and scratches the back of his neck. Oh... Well that's embarrassing. "I brought them to the laundry room. They are being washed now." He says.

"Wow, you sure know your way around here already." I say. His eyes flicker to my towel again then back up to my eyes. Oh I can definitely tease him.

"Yesterday I walked around quite a bit and I..." He trails off as I let the towel fall to the floor. I reach out to grab his t-shirt but I don't have enough time. Gavin is pressed in front of me with impossibly black eyes. "Shit Evelyn." he breaths heavily. "What are you doing to me?"

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