Chapter 8

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The bell signaling everyone to head to fourth block rings while I'm in the bathroom so I slowly make my way to Pastry Arts.

I walk in the room and see that Christian is already at the table. I put my stuff down and plop into my seat. I close my eyes and rest my head on my right arm and rest my left wrist in my lap. The pain is still lingering in my left wrist but the only thing I can do is bear through it.

I hear a chair scrape on the ground near me. "Tired?" A deep voice asks me. I roll my head a little to the side and look at Gavin. I give him a half smile.

"Yeah, it's been a long day."

"You didn't seem this tired when you were reading your book in the library." Shit... He's got a point...

"Well a lot can happen in ten minutes." I say and close my eyes again as another sting of pain flashes through my wrist. God this is painful.

"Is she okay?" I hear a light voice say. I know it's Olivia.

"Yeah she's just 'tired'" Gavin says with an emphasis on tired, implying that I'm not tired. But honestly I have no strength to argue with him about it. He can believe what he wants.

"Oh. Well, Mrs. Gerard wants us to make cupcakes today so we should get going on that." She says timidly. I smirk to myself because it's obvious she is nervous because of Gavin. I mean I don't blame her he is a good looking guy, but he is a complete jerk sometimes...

"Alright, let's go." Gavin says. I hear everyone stand up from their chairs and walk away to our cooking station. Ugh I don't want to stand... "Come on bookworm."

I lift my head and put on a pouty face. "Do I have to?" He laughs and throws an apron in my face. It slowly falls into my lap. I frown.

"Yes you have to, now hurry up."

I stand up and use my right arm to put my apron on over my head. Shit how am I going to tie this... I reach behind me and manage to use my injured hand to aid my right hand in tying the apron. I ignore the pain and finish tying it.

"Evelyn could you get the flour?" Christian asks. I smile and nod.

"Sure thing." I look at the recipe and see that we need two cups of flour. I grab a dry measuring cup and head over to the flour. I see Gavin making his way to the sugar bin which is right next to the flour bin.

When I get there I place my measuring cup down. Then I open up the flour bin and I look down. Disappointment fills me as I see that it's empty. Just lovely.

"Your's is empty too?" Gavin's deep voice asks. I glance up at him and give him a sad nod.

"Yup... what do we do?"

Just then Mrs. Gerard comes out of no where and says, "Oh yeah I had the kids last block clean the bins out. Since they are dry now you guys can fill them back up, the flour and the sugar are in the cooking closet. You're going to have to use the big bags to fill them." She shuffles in her pocket for a moment then throws something at Gavin. "Those are the keys. The closet is down the hall on the right. It's not hard to find."

With that she turns away and leaves us. Awesome, now I get to go lift heavy flour and sugar bags with my wrist. I should have just gone home.

"You coming?" Gavin says as he strides toward the door. I sigh and follow behind him. We follow Mrs. Gerard's directions exactly and end up at a door.

"Well this should be it." I say. I lean against the wall as Gavin takes the keys and tries to unlock the door. After a few twists the door opens and he steps in. I quickly follow behind him and allow the door to close softy behind me.

"Is there a light switch over there?" Gavin asks me through the darkness. I take my right hand and slide it along the wall, feeling for a switch.

"Nope I don't feel anything."

"Well there has to be something over there, they wouldn't not put a light in here." I hear Gavin move closer to me to join me in my search.

"Gavin it's not over here, I checked everywhe-" the lights flash on. Gavin is standing directly in front of me with his right arm placed on the wall behind my head.

"You were saying?" He says. He pushes himself off the wall and away from me. I huff.

"Stupid light switch." I mutter to myself. I follow Gavin down the thin closet and we get to the flour sacks and sugar bags.

"Okay you get the flour and I will get the sugar." he bends down and grabs himself three bags of sugar. Shit that looks really heavy... I glance at the flour sacks. Oh my lanta, those look like they weigh a ton!

I slowly bend down. I grab the flour sack with my right hand firmly. Then I lightly test my left hand by grabbing the bag. A sharp pain zips through my arm. I suck in a quick breath. Shit. I have to do this. Slowly I manage to pick the sack up and put most of the sack's weight onto my right hand.

I stand and I wait for the pain, but it never comes. Wow... so far so good huh? I take a couple of steps. Suddenly my wrist feels like it's breaking all over again. Many sharp jabs sting my wrist and I drop the sack and grab my wrist sucking in a huge breath to try to relieve my pain.

Gavin hears the thud and stops his trek to the door. "Evelyn did you seriously just drop that sack?" he asks frustratedly and turns around.

"Yeah... I'm really sorry... I um lost my grip." I look up at his face. His dark gray eyes pierce into mine. Slowly he puts down his sugar bags and walks over to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked. He sounds concerned but I'm not sure if I fully believe it or not.

"Yeah I'm fine why would you ask that? I just lost my grip." I say to him. He stands in front of me with worry written on his face.

"Then why are you crying?" I'm crying? I reach my right hand up and feel my damp cheeks. Suddenly Gavin reaches down and grabs my left wrist.

I flinch, expecting it to hurt but he just holds it gently in his hand.

"What the hell happened here?" he says angrily. I pull my wrist away from him.

"Nothing, it's fine."

"No it's not fine. Who did that to you?" God this is just going to make the situation worse!

"No one, my wrist is fine it's just a little sore from falling earlier. Not that you care." He frowns at my response and runs a hand through his hair frustratedly.

"Fine whatever." I look at him shocked. Really? He's just going let me off with my poor excuses?

He reaches down and picks up my flour sack. Then he picks up his three sugar bags and places then on top of the flour sack. Holy crap, that weighs so freaking much and he's carrying it like it's nothing. When he gets to the door he turns to me.

"You coming?" oh crap! I forgot I was still standing there. I must have looked like an idiot gazing at him like that, I was just so surprised that he took my flour for me...

I hurry over to his side and he walks bak to the pastry arts' room. I shut off the light and close the door behind us as we head back to class. You know, I'm actually very thankful that Gavin is the one in pastry with me. Anyone else would have pushed me to tell them what happened with my wrist, but he didn't. I'm glad.

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