Chapter 36

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Specks of light trickle into my sleepy eyes. Lazily I lift my pounding and aching head. As I blink a few times, I realize something, I'm lying on grass. I roll my body over and use my arms to push myself up, but when I go to stand I wobble and fall over. What? I look down at my feet. Wait, feet...? Where are my feet?

I only see two fluffy white paws. I look at my hands and see paws as well.

I must be dreaming, there is no way I'm a wolf right now. Now understanding my footing better. I place my paws flat on the ground and push myself up. I get up with ease this time. I shake my body to get off the little pieces of wet grass that are sticking to me.

Then I take my first step in wolf form. Happiness sparks in me. I let out a wolffish laugh and run. That's all I do; run. The breeze slaps against my face as I pass tree by tree. It's the most amazing feeling. I feel so free, and so... me.

I come across the familiar river that smells of freshness. I slow my pace and peer into the rushing water. My reflection shines up at me and I bark in happiness. My wolf has the same markings that Gloria had in wolf form. Actually we are identical except for our eyes. Mine are a brilliant blue and hers were a blazing red. I hop over the stepping stones and gracefully land on my paws. I start to trot. Then I hear a shout in the distance.

My ears perk up and my wolf runs straight for the voice. When I get close enough I can distinguish what the voice is saying.

"Evelyn!" It yells. Only I know this voice.

I duck into a bush. I hear the footsteps of the person get closer and closer. Soon his luscious dark brown hair is shining in the light. I take a step closer and my head pops out of the bush. He heard the rustling and turns. His grey eyes begin to spot me and I duck into the bush.

Crap, he saw me! I don't know if I can look into his eyes yet. I can't know, what if we are wrong. I just can't face losing him yet.

"You!" He yells.

Oh god. I do the only thing I can think of. I run away. I hear Gavin run after me, soon I hear the thudding of four paws instead of two feet. He must have shifted. I push myself to my limits and go at my fastest pace. I weave through trees and use my small stature to try and sneak away from him. Sadly he just stays on my tail.

We get out to an open field. Great. I pump my legs faster and faster. I'm about to break into the woods again when I feel teeth grab onto my ruff. In the next second I'm tackled into the ground and a giant dark brown wolf is viciously standing above me. I whimper and close my eyes as he exposes his teeth at me.

I turn my head to the side and whimper in defeat. He growls loudly and I feel my wolf shudder. Why is he being so forceful and mean? I open my eyes and see him glaring at me. His teeth are still exposed and I look up into his eyes. They are pitch black. Then I feel a slight spark and my wolf stirs a little.

His eyes begin to lighten to his normal gray. His ears pop up and he returns his face to a calmer state, no longer exposing his teeth. He blinks a few times then he slowly changes back to his human form. His hand are on either side of my head and his hair falls lightly over his face.

"Evelyn?" He asks. I blink a few time. Of course it's me.

I nod. He looks down at my wolf. After taking a while and scanning my wolf form, he looks back at me and smiles.

"You got your wolf back." he says.

Once again I nod. He reaches his right hand out a pets the side of my face with his thumb. I close my eyes and lean into his touch. It feels so nice. He laughs.

"Shift back." He says.

I snap my eyes open and look at him nervously. Crap I don't know how to shift.

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