Chapter 13

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It's been an interesting day. I basically got confirmation from Gavin that my vision was definitely a vision and not just a dream, but I still wasn't one hundred percent positive. To make sure that I was right, I had to catch Gavin in his lie. So, I talked Tori. In a friendly tone I asked her what she was up to tonight. She thought for a moment then she remembered she had something.

She told me she has to go visit a family friend a few towns over so she won't be home for the night. See, no family dinner is planned. They both made up lame excuses. I know where they are really going. I can't help but feel a little guilty for not following them and helping Trevor... Honestly that situation was creepy enough once in my vision, I can't go see it again. Plus what can a human girl do against like seven giant werewolves? That's right... nothing.

So here I am waiting nervously in my room because I'm too chicken to go help poor Trevor... Or maybe he did something bad. Maybe I shouldn't feel bad for him. I sigh. Who knows. A small knock sounds on my door.

"Come in!" I shout. The door slowly opens and I see Jason come in. He slowly closes the door behind him. "Hey, what brings you to my room?" I ask.

He walks over to the bed and crawls into my covers with me.

"I was just passing by and I wanted to see if you were still up and you are." he says. I laugh.

"Yes I am. I'm just thinking about life and people. I just don't understand things sometimes." I say with a sigh.

"I feel that. You thinking of anything in particular?" Oh you know, just the fact that our new friends might be in cahoots with a man who goes around hurting people.

"Nope. Just in general." I say. He throws his arm over my shoulder and pulls me closer to him.

"It's okay kiddo. You don't have to understand everything in life, that's the fun of it." I smile and snuggle closer into him.

"Yeah you're right. Jason you're the best." He lets out a quick laugh and pauses for a moment.

"Evelyn can I ask you something." He says. I yawn and nod my head.

"Sure Jay. You can always ask me anything."

"Promise you won't get weird?" he asks. Weird? When do I ever get weird? Whatever, he seems serious about it so I'll just go along with him.

"Promise. Now what's up?" I ask.

"Well you know how you lost your wolf?" I sigh and pull aways from him so I can look into his hazel eyes.

"What about it..." I say sadly.

"Well..." he looks away from me. "Do you think it's possible that you still have a mate." I let out a sigh.

"I mean I probably have one, I just won't ever know who it is. Well unless I get my wolf back but we both know how unlikely that is."

"Have you ever thought that your mate might be someone around you?" I think for a moment... I guess I haven't really thought about that. I've avoided even thinking about dating werewolves because I know they would find their mate someday... but he is right, what if my mate is someone around me?

"I guess I haven't thought about that before Jason..." He runs a hand through his hair and turns back to me. A slight tint of pink lines his cheeks.

"Okay, Evelyn this might sound crazy but what if we are mates?" my eyes widen and I look at him shocked. Mates? Jason and I? "Think about it Evelyn. I mean I don't know about you but I'm most comfortable around you, I love hanging out with you, I get insanely jealous when guys are even near you. I don't know, everything just feels right with you Evelyn..."

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