Chapter 18

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After getting to school extremely late, Gavin and I go to fourth block together. We make brownies, then school is over just like that.

Now we are walking to the parking lot. As we get close I see Jason, Rosie, Ralf, Tori, Seth and them all hanging out by the cars. When Rosie sees me she puts a frown on her face. She wiggles out of the group and comes straight for me. Oh no...

"Where on God's green earth have you been missy?" I'm about to speak but she cuts me off. "Do you know how worried I was? You weren't in your room and you never showed up to classes! God Ev I was terrified!" She shouts. Gavin smirks at me then takes this moment to leave and join the group. Way to leave me with this monster.

"Don't worry Rosie. I'm fine, see." I say and motion to myself. Just then two arms come from behind me and hug me.

Rosie huffs, rolls her eyes. "We will finish this later." She adds annoyed then walks away.

"Hey Ev." Jason says from behind me. I turn around and smile.

"Hey Jay, thanks for saving me from Rosie's rage." I say.

"No problem." He adds.

Suddenly he frowns and looks in Gavin's direction. Then he looks back to me with a dissatisfied expression.

"So he finally decided to get you home huh?" He whispers to me. I frown.

"Jason, it's wasn't his choice to bring me home this late. He was tired and worn out. I'm thankful he even got me back today." I say.

He rolls his eyes and throws his right arm over my shoulder as he leads me to his car. "Whatever Ev. I'm just glad your back, I missed you." He says.

"I was only gone for a couple of hours Jay." I say with a laugh. "Thanks for taking care of Kari for me." I add thankfully. I don't think he realizes how sincere I am being. I'm so thankful for his help. Without him, Kari wouldn't have had someone here to bring her back to the hospital.

He smiles. "No problem. I'm glad I could help." He says as we get to his car. I throw my stuff in the back seat and shut the door. We walk back over to everyone. They are still standing in a huge circle and are talking.

"- is going to be so much fun!" Tanya says with a squeal. She turns to Ralf and gives him puppy dog eyes. "We are going together right?" She says as she bats her eyes.

"Of course sweetie." He says and kisses her forehead. I practically barf in my mouth.

"Yeah it's going to be a lot of fun." Tori says. Then she looks at me. "Are you going?" She asks.

"Going to what?" I ask her. She laughs.

"Going to the football party! Since it's their first game tomorrow there is going to be a huge party at George's house!" Oh right, that party.

"Uh... I don't kno-"

"Oh she will be there." Jason says. I look at him shocked. Jason knows I'm not a huge party person.

"Yay! I can't wait. Ev, we are going to have so much fun!" Tori adds and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, it will be a blast..."


It's the night of the boys first football game. Tori made arrangements with me last night so we have a plan. First we are going to go watch the football game, then we are coming back here to the pack house with Rosie and actually getting dressed up for this party... Can you believe that? We are getting dressed up for a party where people just get trashed and make out with anyone... I can't believe I'm going.

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