Chapter 37

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"Holy crap." Rosie says to me. "You had your first shift?"

I just nod my head. I guess it's good that I got my wolf back at the age when kids have their first shift. Otherwise I would have to explain my weird situation to everyone in the pack.

She stares at me shocked. I laugh and lean back onto the couch casually. We are sitting in the movie room at the moment. I wanted to tell her about me shifting when we were alone. She decided I should tell her the 'big secret' while we watch a movie. So here we are, sitting on the couches with a bowl of popcorn. We haven't even turned the movie on yet, as soon as we sat down I had to spill my secret to her. I grab a handful of popcorn and slowly eat it, one by one.

"Could you stop staring at me girl! It's an exciting thing, and you're acting funny!" I shout.

"Sorry I'm just so happy for you Ev! Now we can go on adventures, and run around together!" she adds. Then she looks at me and smirks. "So who is he Evelyn?" I look at her shocked.

"What do you mean who is he?" She laughs and grabs a piece of popcorn.

"You have been happier than normal and I know it's not just the fact that you've shifted. You can't hide things from me Ev." She says. She pops the piece into her mouth and chews it. I sigh, man she can read me like a book.

"It's Gavin." She goes wide eyed then stops chewing.

"Gavin?" She shouts. I laugh.

"Yeah, turns out he's my mate." I say happily.

"That's crazy! You know, he is in the pack house right now... Why are you in here with me?" She shouts.

"Rosie! I haven't spent much time with you, I just wanted to hang out for a bit."

She rolls her eyes. "We can hangout on a double date tonight. But both you and I want to be with our mates right now so let's get out of here." She says happily. She stands up and skips toward the door. "See you later girl!" She exclaims with a wave.

I roll my eyes and stand up from the couch. Well that was short lived. She is right though, I want to be with Gavin right now. I wonder where he is?

After searching the house for a while and not finding him I go to the kitchen. I open up the fridge and grab a yogurt. Sitting down at the table, I start to eat it. After a few moments Kari comes into the kitchen, she sees me and smiles.

"Hey Evie." She says. She walks over to the table and sits down next to me.

"Hey Kari..." I answer sadly. She laughs.

"Sad because you can't find Gavin?" She asks.

"Yeah..." I say.

Hold on a second, when did I tell her that? I scroll through my memories and I know there wasn't a time when I mentioned him to her. "Wait Kari, how did you-"

She cuts me off, "Gavin told us." I blink twice. He did what? "Well, he didn't tell us exactly, I guessed. He asked for permission to stay here longer and I put the pieces together. I see the way you look at him. It's the same way I look at Bryce. He is your mate isn't he?" She asks. I nod.

"I can't believe you guessed." I say completely taken aback by Kari's detective skills.

"Yeah well you guys don't exactly hide it well. Anyway, Bryce and Gavin are almost done talking. They are in Bryce's office." I smile.

"Okay. I will go wait for him-"

Suddenly the doors to the kitchen slam open. This is soon followed by a loud and excited screech. Kari and I whip our heads around. A smile spreads across my face as I see who it is.

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