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Erika won battle after battle using little to no Nen at all while Gon and Killua struggled to perfect theirs.

As the purplette grew more and more accustomed to the two little brother-like figures she wondered even more about what Kurapika was doing. Leorio too of course...

Heavens Arena had gotten bland and the money she earned didn't motivate her. She did enjoy Hisoka's match, however. She even saw a peek of Machi, who she considered the Troupe's medic, though Machi always hit her for that.

In all honesty, Erika was tired of the Arena. No one had enough power to face her and she disliked fighting Hisoka because of his pedophile nature towards murdering children.

Huh.. Should've rephrased that. Erika thought.

As she sat in the room Erika reminisced in how much has happened. Gon and Killua learned how to use and control Nen from a man named Wing and trained with his disciple named Zushi. Zushi had been kidnapped once as blackmail so the three disfigured guys could win their matches, Hisoka fought a long time rival and won, and now is Gon and Hisoka's match.

Erika sighed. It was never this boring with the Phantom Troupe--- Woah woah.. Did I just think that? Erika thought.

She shook her head as purple locks of hair swayed in sync. Perhaps the blandness of the arena was getting to her. Yeah.. Yeah! That's it..

Erika tried to distract herself from such thoughts by turning on the TV to Gon's match. The green haired boy was face to face with the scarlet haired clown.

Gon threw a powerful punch his way making Hisoka's skin cave in a moment before it began to bruise. The clown smiled disturbingly and blood ran down the side of his mouth.

The two then walked over to each other. Gon handed him what seemed to look like a pin. It had a number which she recognized as Hisoka's number during the Hunter Exam.

Erika gasped, her eyes widened. What was happening right now?

The peaceful moment only lasted for a second as Hisoka was now at Gon's throat. They were like a dog and cat sitcom.

The two of them were like a whirlwind of dodging and punching and kicking and more as they fought at inhumane speeds. It was hard to keep up with the camera unable to pick up every single detail of their fighting.

Suddenly Erika wished she had bought a ticket with her large sums of money for the show to watch live in real life.

The HisokaGon fight continued on, Hisoka letting out Bungee Gum as Gon focused his Ren into his fist, aka Ko.

The two burst at each other with a punch. At the last moment Hisoka tugged his finger as if it was connected to a string. Gon's other arm followed the invisible string's commands and went up causing the green haired boy to stumble. Instead of fist making contact with fist, Erika watched as Hisoka's hand made contact with Gon's face.

The sight was not pretty to look at. Both of their faces' were stained with blood and bruised but neither backed down. In the end Hisoka won due to the many points he acquired with his clean cuts.

At least that was the end of the Heavens Arena Arc!

(Erika: What?!?)

Wildfire - BOOK 2 | Kurapika x OC [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now