Chapter 1

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                                                       ~ Chapter One ~

Chelsea woke slowly to the sound of her alarm clock telling her it was six o'clock in the morning, stretching she rolled onto her back and smiled up at the ceiling of her bedroom. She really had to quit thinking of that night with Alex, she always woke up to happy whenever she dreamed about it.  Stretching again she sat up and walked to the kitchen to put on the coffee, while the coffee was making she jumped in the shower, getting a cup of coffee  and getting dressed she then put her make up on and grabbed her purse. Checking her watch, 7  o'clock and she was out of her house on her way to work  not bad, walking across the street, she was just passing in front of the local dinner when her phone started ringing pulling it out she answered with a  bright, "Hello?"

"Hey honey, how you doing?" the minute she heard her older brother Derek's voice on the other side of the phone line her day got even better, "Hey! What are you doing up this early you don’t open till nine thirty?" her brothers laughter carried over the phone line and she could have swore she heard  someone else in the back ground shaking her head, knowing her brother it would surprise her if he had even been to sleep yet, "Hell, up? Who says I slept? I'm just  kidding no James pulled me out of bed this morning to meet with him for coffee so I figured I call you and see what you thought about spending the  weekend with your favorite brother." Grinning Chelsea said, "I don’t know I was kind of thinking of spending the weekend with you but if you want me to spend it with my favorite brother…" "Ha Ha Ha Chelsea very funny, smartass, you know what I mean, do you want to come spend the weekend in Dallas with me or not?" Sighing Chelsea really wanted to but there was so much that needed to be done at the store she just really didn’t have the time to be away from it right now. "Why don’t you come here for the weekend?" there was a long silence on the other end of the phone and she knew Derek was  thinking about it and was probably going to say no but instead he said, "Actually that’s a good idea, you mind if I bring James? You two haven't seen each other in forever." Smiling Chelsea said, "Sure ill fix up Mel's room for him, when you coming down?" there was a pause on the other end of the phone line  and then Derek said, "I'm pulling up at the café to meet him let me talk to him about it and I’ll call you back and let you know okay sweetheart?" Sighing Chelsea said, "Okay I love you, I’ll talk to you soon." "Love you to" Derek replied before hanging up.

Chelsea could feel someone watching her, she knew she was being paranoid but she didn’t care she knew someone was watching her. Looking around behind her she realized that the diner was half full of people, looking down at her watch she realized that it was almost seven thirty, rushing from the  front of the  diner and down the street to her shop she tried to get there before Andy but Andy was standing against the door waiting patiently. Sighing she unlocked the door and let both her and Andy in and they walked to the counter, sticking their purses under the counter Chelsea turned to Andy and said, "Sorry I was late, Derek called and I stopped to talk to him, you know me cant multi-task." they both started laughing and Andy shook her head at her and said, "It's ok I just got here anyway."  Pulling out the book she started to go through the normal functions of the morning but she just couldn’t function that morning she kept dropping things and miscounting the money, finally Andy took everything from her, and sent her to work on the purse rack she had wanted to work on the day before but hadn't gotten to that shouldn’t take too much brain power. Andy had the books straight, the register up and running and everything ready for the day set in just a matter of minutes when Chelsea had been fumbling with it for about half an hour. Shaking her head she concentrated what brain power she did have on the purse rack.

"So I take it you were dreaming about him again last night?" Andy asked lightly as she went and checked the tables and displays and made sure everything was stocked and folded, cringing Chelsea said, "What makes you think that?" Andy gave a small laugh and said, "I have known you for two years and the only time you are distracted and a nervous wreck is when your thinking about him, plus you have bags which means you slept terribly, but your happy so it was a good horrible sleep and since you don’t have sex, you must me dreaming about him." Cringing again she set the purse that she had in her hand down and turned to her friend and said, "I really don’t know what is wrong with me I am a thirty-eight year old woman with a fucking crush, and you know me too damn well." Andy smiled and said, "Honey, you’re my best friend of course I know you, and it’s not just a crush."  Rolling her eyes Chelsea went back to work on the purse rack. To her savoir the store stayed pretty busy after that till lunch time when they closed for an hour at lunch, Chelsea and Andy decided to eat at the store that day and not the diner so they called in their lunch to the diner and Chelsea was going to pick the food up. They argued for ten minutes on what to order then when they finally ordered, Sarah at the diner told Chelsea to give them twenty minutes and the food would be ready for pick up.

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