Chapter 9

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                                                      ~ Chapter Nine ~

Chelsea sighed as she made her way back into the shop, she knew Derek wasn’t happy about her an Alex but at least he knew something was going on between them, she walked up to Andy and couldn’t help but grin, Andy grinned back at her as if they shared a secret which was no doubt Alex coming over that night. Sighing wishfully she stood by the register and thought about tonight, would Alex go to the right window, or will he go to her old window, biting her lip she thought about what it would be like for them to make love in her old room, with all her stuff from when she was a kid. "Chelsea?" Derek calling her name brought her out of her fantasy looking up at him she saw the pissed off expression and sighed again, "What Derek?" he waited a minute before saying, "Where going to the house you coming?" Chelsea thought about it and then looked at Andy, who said, "I'm closing up in about an hour so, if you want…" Chelsea sighed she really needed to, she had to make dinner and let them get settled in before she soaked and she still wanted to get some sleep before Alex showed and kept her up all night again. She hadn't realized she was grinning till Andy started laughing, "Not for that. Or you can close and I'll go home and… pack." Chelsea busted out laughing and said, "Yeah let me help you with that." they both started laughing and Chelsea noticed even James was smirking but Derek was pissed. Sighing Chelsea said, "Ok, well I'm going to head home." She grabbed a receipt paper and wrote her cell number down and handed it to Andy. Andy nodded and said, "See you in a couple hours."  Chelsea grinned and said, "Yeah, see you in a few hours."  Chelsea knew damn good and well Brandon was going to attack her when she walked in, so it would be at least three hours before Andy showed up at her place. She followed Derek and James out the door and to Derek's ford pickup, just looking at the shiny black ford made her think of Alex's Chevy, she had never considered herself a truck person much less a person to pick teams but just thinking of Alex's Chevy and Derek's ford she had to say she liked the Chevy so much more. Sighing she jumped into the back seat and on the hard bench seat and missed Alex's plush leather seats that she just sank into, she wanted to groan but she knew that would piss Derek off, laying her head back on the seat she waited impatiently for the longest 2 minute ride of her life to end.

When Derek pulled up behind her jeep Chelsea jumped out and almost ran up the driveway, but came to a dead stop when she nearly ran into Charles, Mel's husband, skidding to a stop she looked at him then around him at Mel who was looking at her with a comical look. Smiling at her she slowly made her way inside, she started to head into the kitchen to make dinner then turn around and headed back to the door, peaking her head out at Mel she said, "You two are staying for dinner?" Mel looked at her husband then back at Chelsea and said, "Yeah why not." Nodding Chelsea headed back inside and to the kitchen taking out two packs of steaks she set them in hot water and started the pasta and garlic bread.

 She was just pulling the steaks off the grill when she heard arguing from the front porch, confused she walked out to find out what was going on. Charles was leaning against the rail opposite the door with James right next to him, Mel and Derek were in a heated argument in the middle of the porch, propping herself on the doorframe she tried to catch pieces of the argument to find out what they were arguing about but Charles cleared his throat and they all turned to look at her. Rolling her eyes Chelsea said, "Dinner." then walked back into the house, stirring the pasta and pulling the bread out she set the table as everyone started pilling in, she was about to make her plate when she felt her phone in her pocket vibrate, pulling it out she read the text on her phone that said, "Go to your room." biting her lip she turned to look at everyone they were so busy talking between each other they probably wouldn’t even notice she was gone, sliding it back into her pocket she started out of the kitchen, just as she reached the door way James said, "Where you going Chelsea?" turning around she notice everyone was looking at her, smiling she said, "I'm going to take bath I'll eat in a little." Derek looked suspicious but let it go and sat down at the table trying to be calm be she didn’t alert anyone she made her way to her room, she didn’t know what she expected but it sure wasn’t what she got.

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