Chapter 5

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                                                         ~ Chapter Five ~

Alex and Brandon had been walking through the grocery store for thirty minutes and the only thing they had in the buggy was four 12- packs and five bags of chips they couldn’t figure out what else to get. What was Chelsea thinking sending him to the store to grocery shop, he didn’t know what to  get, she said stuff for a foot ball game, beer and chips, he got those, but for some reason he just knew he should get more. Pulling out his cell phone he just  stared at it, he realized he didn’t know any of Chels's numbers, to her house, her cell, or her shop, and she didn’t know any of his either, he didn’t think.  "What?" Brandon asked Alex realized he had been standing in the middle of the aisle just staring at his phone like he was waiting for it to ring, shaking his head Alex said, "I was trying to think of Chels's number but I don’t think she ever gave me it." Brandon started laughing," Man I’ll call Andy", Brandon pulled out his cell phone and hit one button before putting it to his ear, Alex shook his head he already had her on speed dial that meant Brandon had it bad.

"Hey baby, Alex needs to talk to Chelsea real quick he doesn’t have her number." Brandon looked like he was listening to something for a minute then he handed the phone to Alex slowly he put the phone to his ear and said, "Hello?" Chels was saying hello at the same time and they both laughed and she said, "Hey Alex what's up?" he could tell she was busy so he tried to make it quick, "Hey I called because me and Brandon can’t figure out anything past beer and chips." Chels laughed, "That’s a man for you." Alex smiled but said, "Ha ha funny Chels, but seriously, what else do you want?" it  was quite for a minute, then Chels said, "I don’t know Alex you’re the football stars what do you two get when you’re throwing a football game watch thing at your house." Alex couldn’t help it he just started laughing, Chels must really be busy if she was that messed up with her words, "Oh shut up you know what I mean." she bit out over the line but he could hear the smile in her voice. Alex heard her take a deep breath, "Just get what you would get if you were inviting a bunch of friends over to watch the game okay? I think two big boys like your selves can handle that much. Now I have to work.  Good - Bye." Alex said good-bye and hung up but he still couldn’t wipe the smile off his face shaking his head he said, "Let’s go" and headed for the chip aisle again to finish their shopping.

After finishing their shopping they loaded the truck and headed to Chels house to unload they still had about three hours till they had to be to Chels's boutique so Alex figured he would finally take that shower, and shave after they put everything away. Walking into Chels bathroom he set his bag down on the sink and his cell phone rang pulling it out he noticed it was James, not wanting to answer but knowing he had to, he answered with a tired hello, but James wasn't worried about whether or not Alex was up for the call, "Alex you have to get out to the bar. Now! I'm on my way out there but you live closer than I do." FUCK!"Shit! James I'm not In Dallas I'm out of town! I can be there in like 45 min but that’s about it." Alex couldn’t  fucking believe this shit unzipping his bag he grabbed his stuff out of his bag and put his clothes on the counter and stuff in the shower. "I'm leaving here in just a minute I'll get there as soon as I can!" Stripping the fastest he had in years Alex showered in about two minutes shoved everything back into his bag and dressed in about two seconds, dialing Dan he grabbed his bag and headed for the living room.

Dan answered on the second ring, "Hello." "Dan, I need you to get to the bar, something happened. I'm on my way." Looking over at Brandon lounged back on the couch he said, "You up for a ride, or you hanging?" Brandon grinned and he looked like his old buddy again and he said, "Hell, I'm in."  Jumping up they headed out the front door and to the truck and rushed through town and hit the out skirts in about 10 minutes, Alex didn’t usually run his truck this way but right now he didn’t really have a choice he had to make an hour drive in thirty minutes.

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