Chapter 12

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                                                       ~ Chapter Twelve ~

Alex laid Chels down on her bed; she had finally passed out for good about half way home, taking his dress shirt and slacks off exchanging them for a pair of blue jeans, and no shirt. Sighing he headed for the kitchen for a beer, he needed a damn drink, when he hit the kitchen door he saw James leaning against the counter a bottle of whiskey in his hand, Alex stopped and eyes landed on the bottle then James. James picked up two shot glasses and set them on the kitchen table and said, "Derek called." Alex nodded and headed for the table. For once he was happy Derek wasn’t minding his own business, James poured him a shot and took it slamming the glass down, and he loved the feel of Jack burning down his throat. He knew James loved Jack too, it was always over stocked in the bar, which made Alex think, "Where did you get this everything in town is closed?" James nodded and said, "I brought it with me when I came back today, I figured with you and Derek fighting I might as well stock up." Alex downed another shot and said, "Good thinking." they were quiet for another three or four shots before James said, "What happened with Chelsea?" Alex was quiet for a minute before he said, "Elizabeth showed up, with my brother. Chels went to the bar and had some Jack, by the time she got back she was already slurring then finished off another at the table, and attempted to drink another one after that. She couldn’t even walk." Alex just shook his head he knew James would understand; he had become good friends with the man over the past year. "Damn man. You can’t win can you?" Alex cocked a brow at him in question, "First Chelsea is dating someone, then her ex-husband shows up, then Derek don’t approve, now Elizabeth, and a drunken Chelsea."  Alex had to agree with him there he wasn’t having the best of luck.

Alex sighed and downed another shot, glancing at the bottle he realized they had drunk half of it, placing the shot glass on the table he said, "I'm going to grab some sleep. With Chels passed out I might actually get some sleep." James chuckled and said, "You two are some lucky bastards you know that" Alex cocked another brow at James and he chuckled again, "You and Derek, you two are so happy, yet you want tocomplain about it."  Alex smiled at that, James had a point he really was happy, but then again Chels had always made him happy, even when he was in Iraq he had thought of her and that had made it worth the fight. Chels had been his reason for coming home, even when he said he never would again, Alex had been trying to get her out of his head since he came home, but he knew that the only way to do it was to confront her and see that she wasn’t the girl he thought she was. But that had backfired on him, no she wasn’t the girl he thought she was, she was so much better and unique. Chels had surprised him at every turn, he expected her to still be that shy innocent girl he had left, but now she was bold and brazen, fiery and determined, and just as stubborn as she ever was, the cluelessness of her youth was replaced with confidence and knowledge and she didn’t shy away from sexual remarks like she had in high school, now she embraced them and shot them right back. Chels was far from the girl he remembered but damn it if he didn’t love who she became, he wouldn’t have wished her any other way.

 "What you thinking about so hard?" Alex almost jumped when he heard Chels's voice from the doorway of the kitchen, turning and looking at her he noticed her eyes weren't red anymore and though she was leaning against the wall she wasn’t using it for support, she had sobered up during her nap, and he had gotten a buzz, wasn’t this lovely. His gaze never leaving her he got up from his chair and walked over to her, he stopped just short of touching her and just looked into her eyes, and he could see the sexual desire in the green depths edged with love. She had said she loved him; she had been drunk when she said it, but she had said it. Not sure if he should bring it up he pushed it to the back of his mind and pulled her into his chest, he knew she could smell the Jack on his breath when her nose wrinkled and she squinted her eyes, Alex chuckled and said, "James brought it." Chels peaked around him to James like she hadn't even seen him, and said, "Well in that case, can I have some." she grinned up at him but he didn’t fall for it, "I think you have had enough for one evening."  Chels looked thoughtful before she said, "Yeah I guess you’re right, I probably drank a whole bottle at the restaurant by the time I was done." Alex closed his eyes and took a breath, no wonder she couldn’t walk. Opening his eyes he looked deep into them and saw all the desire and love, and it sparked his own desire, wrapping both his arms tight around her he said, "James were going to bed." he heard James chuckle then say, "So much for sleep huh?" Alex grinned, yeah so much for sleep, Chels cocked a browat him and he shook his head, picking her up he started down the hall way , he noticed she had taken her heels off so she was her regular 5' 5 again.

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