Chapter 4

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                                                           ~ Chapter Four ~

Alex wanted to laugh at her she looked like she was seven, but he had to remember he had to be serious here this was not a joke. He cleared his throat and said, "Brad" he tried to say it as normal as possible and since Chels didn’t make a face he must have succeeded, he waited to see if she said  anything but she didn’t then finally she raised a brow and said," What about him?" Alex sighed and said, "Nothing is going too happened between me and you while you’re with him." Chels looked like she was still waiting for the punch line of a joke then finally she said, "I'm not with him Alex, so that’s not a problem." "Since when aren't you with him?" Alex demanded, raising her brows at his tone Chels answered, "Since 7:30-" she looked down at her watch, "last night." she said in just as a demanding tone.

It took Alex a minute to process that he had left Chels's house around 7 that night which meant she had broken up with him shortly after that then headed to Dallas, which made him think of something, "How did you get my address and how did you get in?" Chels hung her head and took a deep breath before answering; she looked up and said, "When you left last night I realized something that you said… Dallas… I didn’t know you ever moved  from Austin much less to Dallas so I went to Andy's house and seen Brandon Callister and after he got done terrorizing me, and Andy made him help me  he gave me your address, and the gate code, but he said you would have to tell your business."  Alex caught only one part of that, "What do you mean terrorizing you?"  Chels rolled her eyes and said, "You know the same way he did when we were kids. No big deal."  Alex crawled up the bed to sit beside her and pulled her into him and said, "I'm sorry baby, I'll beat him up for you next time I see him." which he knew would make Chels laugh, cause it always did. Every time Brandon terrorized her when they were kids she would tell Alex and Alex would hug her and say, 'I'm sorry honey, I'll beat him up for you next time I see him.' then next time Chels was around Alex would punch Brandon in the stomach and slap him on the head and make Brandon apologizes to her, because it would make her laugh, till they got older then she knew he only did it to make himself look good.

Chels laid her head on his shoulder and said, "So why did you move to Dallas?"Alex looked down at her and said, "I'm just guessing here but I'm guessing you’re going to want the whole story since I left Dixie?" A strange expression passed over her face then her eyes became guarded and she smiled and said, "Not since you left Dixie but since you left College." Alex was suspicious but he would let it pass for now, they curled back against the head  board  and Alex started his story, "My senior year in College, you know when every football player is dying to go pro, well as you know that wasn’t my dream, I was trying to find something to do, I met this guy, a recruiter for the U. S. Marines, I talked to them and went and looked at a few things did my research on it and decided I wanted to do it. So I went and joined, I was in the Marines for 20 years, I traveled all over, and I went to Europe, Asia, All over the U.S. and South America, Australia, Japan. That’s where I met my brother, everyone swore we were brothers but we kept telling them we weren't then me and him were on a mission together and got to talking and realized, his mom had passed just after he was born, and I didn’t know my dad, it was funny when we got back to the states we got blood tests done just to prove a theory and what do you know we were brothers. It was quite a shocker, but it is nice to have a brother, since I couldn’t talk to Brandon anymore. Like everyone knew when College was over he took over his dad's company and he was done playing kid, he had to grow up and when I became a soldier we didn’t really get to talk much. So I was pretty much on my own, mom had taken off to Florida with Alan, and Sandy went to college, so I had no one. But me and my brother are close now as you can see were so close he won’t leave." Alex rose his voice to a yell at that last part and he knew he was confusing Chels till she heard Dan yell back, "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, You know you love me!" Chels busted out laughing.

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