Chapter 3

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                                                       ~ Chapter Three ~

 Chelsea didn’t know what she was going to say, all she knew was she had to stop him. Running up to Alex's truck she grabbed hold so he couldn’t leave, she felt like crying but knew it wouldn’t help the situation any. Going with her heart she begged, "Alex please don’t go, I can explain." "What do you want from me Chelsea?" Alex snapped at her, he never called her Chelsea not since she was 7, he was the only one allowed to call her Chels, not knowing how to respond or what to say she just let the tears take over.

She heard Alex curse, and felt him push the door to his truck open, then next thing she knew she was in his arms and he was whispering to her, "Chels baby, don’t cry. I'm sorry I didn’t mean to snap at you baby. Shhh." Trying to control the tears Chelsea looked up at Alex and said, "I'm sorry, I don’t know why I'm doing this to you, I should just let you leave." Chelsea tried to step back away from him but Alex wouldn’t let go he lifted her chin to look at him again and said softly, "What if I don’t want to leave?" Chelsea looked into to his Ocean blue eyes and knew the second she did it was a mistake, Alex slowly lowered his lips to hers, Chelsea loved the feel of his soft warm lips against hers, she could tell by the kiss he was being gentle with her, but that was Alex always watching out for her.

Before she knew it though he broke the kiss and stepped back from her dropping his arms to his sides, he took a deep breath and sighed, "Chels, I can’t do this with you. I was never one for games, and that hasn’t changed over the years." Chelsea dropped her eyes to the ground so he wouldn’t see her fighting the tears back, clearing her throat she mumbled, "I know Alex, and I never meant for this to happen, I'm sorry." She was getting ready to walk away when Alex grabbed her arm and said, "What do you mean you never meant for this to happen?" Taking a deep breath she looked up at him and said, “It was an accident, I didn’t mean to…, well it doesn’t matter. Don’t worry about it I can handle it, it’s not the first time." She pulled again against his arm but he still didn’t let her go, instead he said, "Chels what are you talking about?" Mad now she yanked her arm out of his hand and spun toward him,  "I'm talking about you running off the minute you heard me tell Mel I loved you, that’s what I'm talking about and don’t try to play dumb Alex, I know  you heard us."

Alex raised his brows, before saying in a loud voice, "You think that’s why I walked off? You think that’s why I am so pissed off Chels?" Alex leaned back against his truck with his arms crossed against his chest, making Chelsea want to drool. Shaking her head she looked up at him and said, in a confused voice, "Isn't it?" Alex rubbed his face and got this tired look on his face before saying, in a calm voice, "No Chels, it’s not." Chelsea was confused now she couldn’t help it, why was he so pissed off? Then it hit her like a ton of bricks, "Brad" as she said the name she saw his face tighten and she knew that was the reason, he was jealous, but was it because she was dating another man or was it because she was dating a kid? "Alex" she didn’t know what to say but she had to say something, she had to explain about Brad but she just couldn’t think of one thing to say to him. Before she could speak Alex said, "Forget it Chels, I'm going back to Dallas you can have your little boy toy." and he moved to get back in his truck.

Chelsea didn’t know what to do she just stood there frozen as she watched him get in and drive off. Slowly she turned and walked back toward her porch, where she found her sister and her husband sitting on her porch swing giving them a sad smile she collapsed against the rail. Then something Alex said hit her, "Dallas" she said out loud making her sister look at her weird looking at her sister she said, "When did Alex move from Austin to Dallas?"  Her sister looked as confused as she did, "I didn’t know Alex lived in Dallas. I'm all over Dallas, I'm sure one of us would have seen him at one point."  Mel said in confident voice. Walking past her sister and into her house Chelsea grabbed the keys to her jeep and practically ran out the door yelling at her sister I'm headed to Andy's.

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