Chapter 8

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                                                       ~ Chapter Eight ~

Alex shook his head as he headed around the truck, Chels was hard headed but Alex knew that, it was one of the things he loved about her, but it also got on his nerves sometimes. It wasn’t that he didn’t want Derek to know, he could care less if Derek knew, what bothered him was that she  wanted to tell him on the weekend that they were supposed to be having their family time or whatever they call it. This weekend was about Chels and her brother not Chels and him, and if she told Derek that’s exactly what it would be, they would fight the entire weekend, because that was Chels, she wasn’t giving in till she got her point across. When they pulled into the driveway Alex turned off the truck but didn’t move, Derek was going to be in town soon, he needed to get his things and find a place to stay, but he didn’t want to leave Chels. He also knew better than to stay, Chels may be all for it but this was Derek's house, he wasn’t running Derek out of his own house, breathing out a sigh he got out of truck and headed into the house. Chels  was in the kitchen going through the cabinets but Alex just kept walking, no use delaying the inevitable, he went straight to her room and grabbed his  bag, checking to make sure he had everything, he set it on the bed and pulled out a respectable shirt, he was not wearing this bullshit Chels had him in.  Alex was in the middle of putting on his clean shirt when he heard a noise, looking at the door way he saw Chels standing there with a bowl and a sad  look on her face, "Your leaving aren't you?" Chels said quietly, If Alex didn’t know any better he would say she looked like she was going to cry, Alex finished putting on his shirt and went to her taking her into his arms. Alex didn’t know what to say, but he knew he had to say something he just hoped he didn’t mess it up any worse than he already had. "I'm not going far, I'm going to find somewhere in Dixie to stay. I just don’t know where." Chels looked up at him and he knew she was going to ask him to stay with her, but he knew he couldn’t, "Alex --" Chels started to say but Alex cut her off, "No Chels. I'm not running Derek out of his own house and you know he won’t stay here with me here." Chels looked like she wanted to say something, but she didn't instead she turned around and walked out of the bedroom and away from Alex. He didn’t know what to do, he wanted to stay and Chels wanted him here, but Derek didn’t, and Alex knew better than to think that didn’t matter. Hell if Derek knew about that night before he left he would kill him, Derek had never really trusted Alex around Chels, for good reasons, hell, Alex didn’t trust himself around Chels why should anyone else, especially her brother. He really needed to find a place in Dixie to stay, he didn’t want to leave Chels already, sighing he walked back to the bed and grabbed his bag making his way toward the kitchen and Chels.

He dropped his bag by the couch and started to head into the kitchen when someone knocked on the door, Chels looked up at him in surprise, but didn’t move, so Alex headed for the door. He was surprised to find Andy on the other side of it, "Chels is in the kitchen," he said and stepped to the side, but she didn’t move, she bit her lip and said, "Actually I came to talk to you."  Alex raised his brows and said, "Where's Brandon?" Andy chuckled and said, "He's watching the store, it’s our lunch hour." Alex couldn’t help but chuckle too, she had Brandon totally wrapped, and he would bet Brandon knew it to. "What's up Andy?" she looked undecided for a minute then she said, "Brandon doesn’t know about this yet, and neither does Chelsea." Now Alex was a little taken back, stepping back he said, "What?" Andy smiled at him and said, "It's not what you think Alex. Can you come out here please; I don’t want Chelsea to overhear." Cautiously Alex stepped on to the porch, and closed the door but at the same time he made sure he kept plenty of room between him and Andy. Andy rolled her eyes and said, "I don’t have time for this. I came to tell you I have a spare bedroom you can stay in at my house." It took Alex a minute to understand where she was going then it occurred to him she was offering him a place to stay, "That’s great Andy." but Alex had the feeling she wasn’t done, "Well I was thinking, I'm pretty sure you don’t want to spend the next three days listening to me and Brandon so I figured, I would stay here with Chelsea, and you and Brandon can stay at my place." Alex thought about that for a minute and he was glad to have a place to stay  but he didn’t really want to kick Andy out of her house, picking his words carefully he said, "Listen Andy I really appreciate that but you don’t have to do that, I don’t want to kick you out of your house." Andy gave him that sweet smile and said, "Alex did I mention that I was only four houses down?" Alex cocked his head as he thought about that, only four houses huh? He knew from experience that it was easy to sneak back and forth three houses down, what was one more? "Ok, I'll stay at your house, but I don’t want you to have to leave." Andy smiled at him again and said, "I want to stay with Chelsea. But you and Brandon can spend the weekend together and catch up, just don’t trash my place." Alex chuckled before replying, "Thanks Andy, it will look the same as it did when you left." Alex leaned down and grabbed her into a hug, just in time for the front door to open.

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