Chapter 13

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                                                      ~ Chapter Thirteen ~

Chelsea has been in Alex's house for two months now, Alex has been there almost every night, most of his clothes were there by now, not to mention all his bathroom stuff, and his guns. They had spend every weekend in Dallas together decorating the rest of the house, Chelsea had nowhere near enough furniture to decorate Alex's huge house. They had decorated the other four bedrooms, with guest furniture, and he had even helped Chelsea pick out a new bed for the master and a new bedroom suit for the room. Last week the bar had finally opened and Alex had been working all night, and sleeping all day. They had rarely got to spend any time together other than lunch and between each other’s jobs, Alex always woke her when he came home, but an hour or so after that Chelsea had to get up and get ready for work, most of the time Alex slept through lunch, but dinner was ready when she got home, and they got maybe another hour or so before Alex had to take off to go to the bar. It was Saturday night and the bar was in full blast, but Chelsea was sitting home, looking out over the pasture behind her house, swinging on the porch swing Alex had put up for her. Since she moved in it’s been non-stop and nothing has changed, she still rarely gets the time to stop, and when she does, she’s alone. Alex has so much going on with the bar lately it’s like there is no time left for them, she couldn’t remember the last time they just relaxed together, where they just sat back curled up together and talked. Chelsea felt a tear roll down her cheek and couldn’t believe the site, why was she crying? Yes, she missed Alex but that was no reason to cry, he would be back, and once things calmed down they would spend more time together. Chelsea kept trying to convince herself of that but it sounded lousy even to her ears, she really needed to talk to Andy so she could tell her she was acting crazy, but Andy and Brandon had hit the bar for the night. Chelsea knew she should be there too, she could use the night out, but she didn’t want to go alone, even if she was going to see Alex. Sighing she hunched back into the swing, she was in sweat pants and a sweat shirt, her hair pulled back into a bun, her face clean of all make-up. She sniffed and tried to think of something other than Alex, and the fact that she never saw him anymore.

She was sitting there staring at the moon, when she heard someone coming up the steps, wiping her eyes she looked to see who it was, it was her sister Melanie. Sighing she looked back at the moon as her sister took the seat next to her, "What's going on Chelsea?" Shrugging Chelsea looked out over the meadow at the calm and quietness of it, she wanted to go riding, she didn’t know what hit her at that exact moment but something had. She hadn't been on a horse in years and now she wanted to go riding, feel the wind in her hair, feel free, and made feel invincible. Chelsea knew that’s what it was, Alex had the ability to hurt her so bad, and she wouldn’t have a chance if he decided to, but if she was riding again, as soon as she jumped on the back of that horse, none of that would matter, because when she was riding, nothing could hurt her. After she left her ex-husband she rode almost every night because it gave her the strength she needed to fight back and gain her confidence after he shattered it. It had given her the ability to leave him in the first place and run, it had given her the ability to not hide but to protect herself. She really needed to get back on a horse.

"What you thinking about?"  Chelsea smiled at her sister's question, "Nothing. How's the baby?" Mel was glowing these days, and just starting to show if you knew what to look for, her stomach poked out just a little and was rounded, it was adorable. Her sister giggled and said, "Great, I love being pregnant, but the cravings suck." Chelsea grinned at her sister, she was so much more happy now that she was having a baby, she didn’t work herself to the bone, and she let Charles chip in with things. Mel patted Chelsea's hand and said, "Yes, I am extremely happy. There is nothing more fulfilling in life than having a baby." Chelsea smiled and said, "I know, but I got a long time to go before my fulfillment." Mel gave her a shocked look and said, "You're 38 Chelsea, how much longer are you going to wait?"  Chelsea bit her lip and said, "I don’t know Mel, with the way things are going I might end up childless and no husband. Which is so perfect in this big house isn't it? Each cat can have a room." Mel just stared at her for a minute before saying, "Ok, one you don’t have any cats. Two what is going on with you and Alex to make you think that?" Chelsea shrugged, she knew she was being childish, but she couldn’t help it for some reason, "Do you have any idea how much I have seen Alex in the last two weeks?" Mel just shook her head, "That makes two of us, I couldn’t tell you the last time I actually got to spend time with him. He comes home at five in the morning; I have to leave by seven, and most of that time I have to get ready. I get home at five thirty; he has to be at the bar by six thirty, seven at the latest. We never get any time together, we used to have lunch together but now more than not he sleeps through lunch." Mel got a thoughtful look on her face and said, "Why don’t you say something to him?" Chelsea looked at her sister like she grew another head, "How am I supposed to do that? I can't tell him to take time from the bar to give to me, when I can’t take time off work to give to him. Not to mention it’s his reason for being in Dixie, how I am supposed to interfere with that." Her sister shook her head at her, "For two people who know each other so well, you and Alex don’t know each other at all." She had lost her, "What are you talking about?" Mel sighed and said, "Alex loves you, and you love him. He isn't in Dixie because of the bar; he is in Dixie because of you. The bar is just a way to make this his home and make it permanent. Alex would do anything for you and he told you that once already, if you tell him you want more time with him, you want to spend a weekend away or something, he would do it in a heartbeat. Chelsea he is busting his ass at that bar trying to make it successful so that he has a permanent fixture in town, so that he has a permanent income, so maybe you won’t have to work so hard. So that you could hire Andy full time and take some time off for yourself, or for both of you. But once again for two people who know each other so well you two don’t know each other at all. If Alex knew you, he would know that you love running the boutique and where you wouldn’t mind some time off you would go crazy wanting to go back. And if you knew Alex you would know he is busting his ass trying to make this bar go, for you, not for himself." Chelsea took in all that her sister has said to her, it made sense to think of it that way, but she still had doubt, she wanted to see Alex. Turning to her sister she said, "What are you doing tonight?"  Her sister gave her a questioning look and said, "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm talking to an idiot." Chelsea glared at her sister and said, "Will you go with me to the bar to see Alex?" Mel grinned and said, "Of course. Let me change first. And you better change too." Chelsea laughed and ran inside she knew just what to wear.

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