Chapter 7

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                                                        ~ Chapter Seven ~

Chelsea woke to the sound of her alarm clock telling her it was six a.m. she rolled over and hit the snooze, and stretched before curling back up with Alex, Alex had woke her many times during the night and she was exhausted, and sore in places she didn’t even know she had anymore, but she couldn’t be happier. Just as she started to drift back into sleep she felt him moving his fingers across her back, she bit back a smile, and kept her eyes closed, till he whispered in her ear, "You can’t fool me, I know you’re not asleep." then he nipped at her earlobe, making her shiver. Opening her eyes she met his gaze right before his lips lowered to hers, and he rolled on top of her, she raked her nails up his back and into what little hair he had, then back down his back and grabbed his but which always made him laugh. Just as Alex started to kiss his way down her body, her cell phone rang, Alex stopped and looked up at her, Chelsea rolled her eyes and shrugged, Alex smiled and rolled back to his side of the bed as Chelsea got up to find her cell phone, checking the caller id she groaned and flipped open the phone, "Hello Derek." it was silent for a minute before he said anything, "Everything ok honey? You sound like you don’t want to talk to me." Chelsea sighed and said, "It’s not that, you just have really bad timing."  It was silent again before Derek said, "Bad timing? Shouldn’t you be getting ready for work?" Not thinking Chelsea just blurted out, "Shit! What time is it?"  Derek sounded like he was worried about her when he said, "Six thirty." Damn it! She had thirty minutes to get dressed and leave or once again she would be late for work, now in a hurry she told Derek, "I have to go, I have to get ready."  Derek sounded confused but said, "Um… I was just calling to make sure everything was ready for me and James this weekend?" Shit! She still hadn't done Mel's room; she would have to skip lunch today and get it done, and hope they don’t show before then. With fake excitement she told Derek, "Everything is ready, and I can’t wait for you to get here, what time is your meeting this morning?" It was silent for a minute then Derek said, "Eight- thirty. I should be there around lunch, I’ll get out around ten, and then grab my stuff from the apartment, and then me and James are having lunch in town to catch up on everything before the weekend starts, so there is no business during the weekend, and then were headed to see you."  Sometimes Derek’s organizational skills got on her nerves but she smiled and said, "Great can’t wait to see you both. But I got to go, I’ll talk to you this afternoon." Derek said goodbye and she hung up with a sigh.

Walking back into her bedroom, she ignored the gorgeous, sexy man in her comfy bed as they called out to her and went straight to her closet, getting an outfit picked for the day, she headed for the bathroom, she had like ten minutes to get ready, and damn it she was going to try. She could feel Alex's eyes on her the whole time she was getting everything set up so she reached back and closed the door, jumping in the shower, she rushed her way through it and put on as little make-up as possible, and throwing on her clothes she checked herself in the mirror and started on her hair. Not having time to mess with it, she just grabbed a clip to pull it back with; she knew Alex was going to pull it down the first chance he got so she didn’t put much effort into keeping it up. Practically running out of her bathroom door she notice Alex was no longer in the bed, rushing to the kitchen she went to grab one of her breakfast bars, to find the box gone, she didn’t have time to search through all the cabinets she was late. Running out the front door and down the driveway, She notice Alex was in his truck and it was running, she stopped and just looked at him. Alex grinned and said, "Get in." running around an jumping in the truck she took a deep breath to calm down, it was 7: 20 a.m. shaking her head she tried to relax but it wasn’t working, before she knew it they were in front of the boutique, jumping out she rushed around the truck and headed for the door, just as she opened it Alex yelled, "No, don’t say good-bye, it's ok." Chelsea froze and smacked her forehead. Turning toward Alex she smiled walked up to his window and pulled him down for a kiss, they lingered just a little too long then she pulled back and said, "Good morning Alex." Alex grinned at her and pecked her lips one more time, before saying, "You’re late, go."  Smiling Chelsea spun around and headed into the boutique to see Andy and Brandon making out in front of the register, shaking her head Chelsea cleared her throat and Brandon jumped back and nodded at Chelsea.  Nodding back Chelsea headed for the counter asking Andy "Is everything ready for today?" Andy nodded yes, Chelsea turned to look at Brandon as if asking him what he was still doing here, and he put his hands up in a surrender motion and said, "Geez Roland, I'm gone."  He pecked Andy one more time on the lips and took off out the front door.

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