Chapter 18: Meetup

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I wait outside for Jc to come pick me up for the meet up.

"Hey." We both say to each other as I get in the car.

I look back at the person sitting on the back seat and it's Josh.

"Josh?" I ask.

"Hi again."

We both laugh.

"You guys know each other?" Jc asks.

"Yeah. We met in California and we saw each other again on the plane ride here." Josh says.

We drive to the park where the meet up was going to be and the line was huge!

Girls everywhere!

We get out of the car and girls start to run to us.

Jc holds my hand and I try to pull away but he doesn't let go.

Girls see us holding hands and begin to say "awww."

I want to tell them we are not dating but it was too late.

"Can I take a picture with you?" A girl asks me patting my back.

"Umm. Yeah."

She pulls out her phone and takes a picture.

"Do you have an Instagram?" She asks.

"Yeah it's @Mereditthh."

Jc is still taking pictures with fans while holding my hand.

Girls begin to keep asking me for pictures.

I wasn't famous but I guess they just wanted a picture because they think I'm Jc's girlfriend.

"Can you two kiss?" A girl asks Jc.

"Of course." Jc says.

Jc pulls me close and looks into my eyes and kisses me.

"Aaaawwww." Everybody says.

I tried to pull away but Jc's arms were wrapped around my waist tight.

When the kiss is over girls take more pictures with Jc.

I finally manage to pull my hand out of Jc's and get out of the crowd secretly.

I try to find Josh but it's really hard with girls all over the place screaming.

"Your Jc's girlfriend !" A girl screams in my face.

"No we-"

"Can we take a picture ?" She interrupts me not letting me tell her anything.


She takes the picture anyways not letting me answer.

I call my mom telling her to come pick me up.

"I'll be there in a couple of minutes." My mom says.

I was tired and angry.

Jc should know I don't like him.

I sit on a bench and wait for my mom.

"Hi honey." My mom says.


"Why did you want to leave so early?"

"Jc kissed me again! And I swear I didn't kiss back this time! I hate him! "

I begin to cry.

"Sweetie. You can't let him control you. Punch him in the fucking stomach if you have to!" She says making me laugh hard.

She smiles at me and begins to drive home.

"Kian called." She says.


"He wants you to get back with him. He misses you."

"How did he get our number ?" I ask.

"He didn't tell me."

"This was kind of our secret but he wants to come to Florida."

"What?! Is he crazy or something?"

Kian doesn't know our address and I wasn't going to tell him or let my mom tell him.

"He really misses you and I think you two are so cute together." My mom says.

"Jc just kissed me again! I'm not going to date Kian and not tell him that Jc kissed me!"

"Okay okay. You don't need to get frustrated. It's your choice. Think about it." She says.

My phone buzzes and I read the text.

"Hey babe where you at?" -Jc.

Babe? He thinks were going out now?

"Don't call me "babe" because we are not going out! Why did you kiss me in front of all you fans?"-Meredith.

"Because I really like you. Can we talk in person?" -Jc.

"Why?" -Meredith.

"Why what?" -Jc

"Why do you want to talk to me?" -Meredith.

"Just cause. I'll be at your house

tomorrow at like 2:00." -Jc.

If Jc asks me to be his girlfriend tomorrow I don't know how I'm going to tell him no.

Jc sometimes makes me mad a whole bunch but that doesn't mean I'm going to break his heart.

But He is the reason Kian and I broke up.

Maybe I'll just find a way to say no?

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