Chapter 5.

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Skip time a week later (Singing contest)
(Also credit to the person who made the video above)

Your Pov:

Today was the singing contest, I'm so nervous, I've been working so hard and i hope i win, i was getting myself ready when Gene walked in "Hey Gene" i said, and he grabbed my shoulders "You look beautiful" he said giving me a kiss, i kissed back "Thanks, I'm so nervous though" i replied "Your going to do great" he said "Thanks, when's everyone coming?" i asked, we all made plans that we would meet at our place before we leave "There's been a change in plans, everyone's already there, Katelyn came and picked up the twins a few minutes ago" he replied "What!?" i exclaimed "Its fine, the contest doesn't start for an hour" he said "I'm supposed to be there in half an hour!" i yelled "Oops, well lets go quick!" he exclaimed and we ran down the stairs, i put on my black knee boots and we ran to the car, Gene started driving, Ohh my Irene we better not be late...

Skip time to when you got there

Gene's Pov:

We made it to the theatre just in time, we ran out of the car and into the theatre, we got backstage and we were out of breath "Your just in time! Your the 7th one on so be ready!" The announcer said, Y/N walked over to the mirror and sat down in a chair "Ugh my hair is a mess" she said trying to fix it I came behind her "It's perfect, it doesn't matter what it looks like it looks perfect to me~" I sang and Y/N giggled "But seriously it's perfect the way it is, it's not a looks contest it's a singing contest, and the hair goes perfect with your outfit" I said and she looked at me "Thanks, now let's go wait for our turn" she said standing up "Your turn" I corrected her "Well its counts as our turn because I love you" she giggled "Ok, ok, let's go wait for our turn" I laughed and we went to go see the other contestant, they all sang and they were so good, I looked passed the curtains and saw everyone, Alex and Auden were sitting on Travis's lap while Katelyn was holding Diary, everyone else was just talking and Kawaii-Chan was knitting something but I couldn't tell what it was "And now for contestant 7 singing the song 'We are Family'! Y/N L/N!!" the announcer called "Good luck" I wispered giving her a quick kiss on the cheek and she went on stage "This song is detached to all my friends and family, love you!" She exclaimed and the music started and she started singing.
Start the music!

I listened as she started singing, it was so beautiful, I mean I've heard her singing before of course but this time it was like her voice wanted to change just a little for this performance, it was so beautiful.

Once the song ends continue the chapter

When she finished the whole audience clapped like crazy, she ran off the stage and gave me a hug and I gave her a quick kiss "You were great!" I said "Thanks, now that I'm done were allowed to go sit with our friends" she said "Ok then, let's go" I replied and we went to our friends, they were sitting there, they looked over at us "Great job Y/N!" Katelyn wispered "Thanks" she replied as we walked to the seats next to her, Y/N sat next to Katelyn and I sat next to Garroth, we listened as everyone sang, they were all so good but Y/N seemed confident.

Skip time to when everyone has finished

Your Pov:
Everyone had just finished, we had taken a break so everyone in the audience could vote, now we were waiting there for them to call out the winners, I was pretty confidant that I was going to win but I don't think so, my voice wasn't as good as everyone else's voice, the announcer went on stage "Attention, all of the votes are in and we're going to announce the winners" he said and he got some papers out "Our 3rd place winner is.... Alex Lay!" He announced, that was the girl who went before me, I watched as he went up on stage and they gave her her reward, then he went and sat back down "Our 2nd place winner is... Micheal Wi!" He announced, the guy went up and grabbed his reward, then he sat back down "Now our first place winner with the majority of the votes is...." he started, I was so nervous "Y/N L/N!!!!!" He exclaimed, my eyes widen, everyone was clapping, I went up on stage and got my reward, it was 10,000 dollars "Congrats, is here anything you would like to say?" He asked "Well all I can say is thank you to my friends and family for encouraging me to enter" I said and everyone clapped, it was weird that the man only wanted me to say something but I went with it, I went and sat back down with my family.

Skip time to when they leave

It was time for us to leave, I was kinda sad but I was happy at the same time, I was with my family and that's the best I could ask for, before I got in the car I got a call "One sec Gene" I said and I answered it, it was Guy "Hey Guy! Long time!" I said "Ya it has been a long time, I just wanted to call to say I have exiting news!" He replied "Ohh ya? What is it?" I asked " Well... Nate and I are getting married in 2 months and I was wondering if you and the gang wanted to come to Love-Love Paradise for the wedding" he said "Omi, congrats! And of course, the kids have grown so much and I think they'll be happy to see you again, even if they don't remember you" I giggled "One, thanks and two, I'm sure they will be happy to see there uncles, ohh have you told them about you know, the Garroth and Travis thing?" He asked "Uhh... no, I want to ask Gene if he wanted to tell them while we're there, just a last minute thought" is said "Ok, well we'll send you tickets, see you in a few weeks!" He said "Ok, bye!" I replied and I hung up.

Hey guys it's Sydney here, sorry for not updating in a while, my Internet has been bad and I've been really busy, again sorry, also I wanted to ask you guys if there is anyway I could spice up this story a litte, I feel like you guys are bored of it... so let me know ideas you might have for this story in the comments, see you soon my KitKats!

Family Comes First A Gene X Reader Fanfic {Sequel Falling For You} [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now