Chapter 8.

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Skip time to the wedding

Gene's Pov:
I was in the change room with the guys getting Guy and Nate ready for their wedding, I can't belive it's today, I remember when I was in their position "Come on Guy! Please!" Nate begged, they were fighting over who was supposed to wear the dress (Yes one of them had to wear the dress) "Fine!" Guy said grabbing the dress out of Nate's hands and going into the change area "Nate... I feel weird in this..." Guy said "Come on! I'm sure you don't look that bad!" Nate replied and Guy came out "See you look so handsome!" Nate said giving Guy a kiss on the cheek, I was trying to hold in my laughter with how weird he looked in it, but it's their special day, I don't want to ruin it, I was sitting alone while all the guys were talking "Hey bro, why are you sitting alone?" Dante asked sitting next to me "Im just thinking about high school and stuff..." I replied, in high school I thought I would be married to Sasha or not married at all "Bro, that's all in the past, enjoy the present and future!" Dante exclaimed "I'm know but... all the stuff that I did.. forming the shadow knight and all that..." I replied "Gene..." Dante said giving me a hug "That was the past, you were different back then" he said "And it all changed after what Sasha and Zenix did to Y/N... the stuff I tought them!" I exclaimed "Gene, listen to yourself! You changed because of the women you love! She loves you! Be happy for that!" Dante yelled at me I was about to cry at this point, and I rushed and gave Dante a hug "Thanks for snapping me out of it... and your right I should be happy" I replied "Hey what's going on, we were talking then we heard Dante yelling, what happened?" Garroth asked "Bad thoughts from the past" I replied "Ohh I see" Garroh replied "Guys come on! The ceremony is about to start!" Y/N exclaimed from the door "Let's go" I said, Nate and Guy grabbed each other's hands and we left.

Skip time to the party (IDK HOW WEDDINGS WORK!)

Your Pov:
The ceremony had just finished at we were at the party, Guy and Nate were doing there dance, I was sitting in a chair sorta far from everyone, I looked down at my beautiful F/C dress, I can't believe Guy and Nate were able to get all the girls one of these, there so amazing, I was a little worried since all the kids were in a play area, Guy's friend Zoey was looking after them, I've met Zoey before, she's amazing with kids but I was still scared one of them was going to hurt themselves "You ok?" I heard someone say, I looked up and it was A/N "Hey sis, yeah I'm fine... just a little nervous about the kids... remember what happened when i was that age?" i replied, mom and dad were killed when i was 5 and the twins are that age now... "Y/N its fine, nothing is going to happen, now come enjoy the party!" she exclaimed pulling me out of my seat, we went up and danced for a while till i decided to walk over to Gene "Hey babe" i said "Hey, you look stressed are you ok?" Gene asked "The kids... I'm getting bad memories about what happened when i was their age... I don't want them without parents like i was...." I sighed "Hun... its fine... your not the only one getting bad memories today" Gene laughed "You are? What memories?" I asked, Gene has barely told me about his childhood, he's always seemed to keep it a secret from me "High school... I formed the shadow knights and I blackmailed Aphmau when she was a freshmen... I regret all of it..." he said "Gene its fine, that was in the past and everyone has forgiven you for that... but I just can't forgive myself... today is also the day Cal got into that coma and my parents were killed... I should of helped Cal... then maybe my parents would still be here..." i said, i felt a few tears come down my face "Y/N there was no way you could have controlled that... you were 5 years old... but look on the bright side... Cal is out of that coma.. you and your sister are close again and you have amazing friends and an amazing family" Gene said, then his looked changed he looked surprised but sad "Gene?" i questioned "Today was the day your parents were murdered..." he mumbled "Gene are you ok!? Your scaring me..." i said "STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!! IM SORRY!!!" Gene yelled as he ran off "Gene!!" I exclaimed as Gene ran away, he looked like he was crying "Y/N! What happened!?" Aphmau asked as everyone ran to me "Gene... what's gotten into him? I told him that today was the day my parents were killed and he just ran off..." I replied "Maybe somehting happened to him today?" Aaron asked "I know what he's talking about.." Dante said "I'll tell you after the party ends... for now let's continue it" he said "No Dante, something is wrong and we won't put our needs before yours" Nate said "Alright... let's go sit and I'll tell you..." Dante said, he had a tear come down his face as we sat down...

A/N: Hope you all liked this chapter! I had a great story line idea while I was writing this! See you all later!

Family Comes First A Gene X Reader Fanfic {Sequel Falling For You} [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now