Chapter 5

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There are whispers flooding the halls as me and Jase walk into school the next morning. What are they whispering about? Everyone seemed to have been perfectly normal until Jase and I walked in. What’s going on? Is my makeup smeared funny?

A couple of girls give me dirty looks and keep walking. What the fuck did I ever do to them? I’m so confused it’s not even funny.

I get to my locker and notice Allie at her locker a couple down. Jase walks over to her and smiles. He wraps his arms around her waist and leans in to kiss her. Then she smacks him. What the hell?

“What the hell?” Jase demands and jumps back a step or two. Allie looks absolutely furious, and her dagger-eyes slice through me when she glances over to me.

“What do you mean ‘what the hell’? I KNOW THAT YOU WERE WITH DEVIN LAST NIGHT!” Allie yells. I can’t figure out for the life of me why that’s a big deal. She knows Jase and I are best friend and she knows that we hang out with each other all the time. It’s not news that he and I were hanging out last night.

“Um, yeah, she and I hang out all the time. Why are you getting upset about this? It’s not new information,” Jase points out and jumps back another step when Allie looks like she’s about to slug him again.

“Whoa, Allie, calm down! What’s the big deal? Are you PMSing or something?” I ask. Allie growls and slams her locker shut.

“Leslie Miller saw you guys making out when she drove past your house last night!” Allie exclaims. Oh. She’s freaking out over nothing, because Jase and I never made out. So she’s freaking out over nothing. WAIT. Leslie Miller is telling people she drove past my house and saw me and Jase making out? Why the hell is she doing that?!

“Allie, we have never made out! We’re just friends!” Jase frantically explains. Allie is giving him the death glare and I swear she’s about to bolt. If she doesn’t bolt she’s going to kick Jase in the balls or start a bitch fight with me. I just know it.

“Of course you’d say that when you get caught!” Allie criticizes. I seriously cannot believe what I’m hearing. How can Allie possibly believe this insane rumor?

“Allie, think about it. Why would you believe something created in the rumor mill when you and I have been dating for a year and there have never been any problems with me and Devin before? Come on, we’re your best friends, I’m your boyfriend! Why are you believing someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about!”

Allie is still fuming but stays silent.

“Who did you even hear this from?” I demand. Allie groans.

“Julie Gossner,” Allie answers. I make it my personal goal to track down Julie Gossner and slap her a couple of times just to make sure she stops spreading rumors about me.

“Well Julie Gossner is a lying bitch,” Jase reassures her. Allie nods her head slightly and walks to Jase. She wraps her arms around him and he wraps his arms back around her. Dude, I want that hug. I still can’t shake those hugs from last night. I felt so safe. I can’t explain the way my skin felt as I felt his body pressed to mine, but it was such an amazing feeling I didn’t want to let go. Now I’m sitting here jealous of his girlfriend who has every right to hug him whenever she wants. I need to go find Hunter. I’d love a hug like that from him.

I walk off from my locker and make my way towards Hunter’s. I’m sure he’s there. As long as he doesn’t go to my locker and realize I’m not there. That would be awkward.

I see his body behind his open locker door and he’s wearing the black Avenged Sevenfold t-shirt that I got him for his birthday. I really can’t resist a cute boy in an Avenged Sevenfold t-shirt, so I walk right up to him and wrap my arms around him from behind.

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