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'Hey everybody we don't have live this way! We can get some yeah we can all get paid!' We sang the last note and we got scared to death when all off a sudden we heard people applaud. 'Wow that was great!' 'OMG YOU SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF US!' 'Hahaha sorry! But it was such a great song!' 'Yeah we found your lyrics and thought we might be able to help.' 'ITS AMAZING! Thank you so much!' After the studio we decide to go for lunch in this little restaurant. We're pretty much the only people there. One of the waitresses comes over and asks what we'd like to order whilst flirting with Calum. 'What would you like to eat sir?' She asks him with a wink. 'You.' I hear Michael saying under his breath. I start giggling and it ends up with me and Michael having tears rolling down our faces whilst everyone around us looks at us as if we're lunatics. When the waitress is gone we try to explain the joke but it doesnt go so well because we are still laughing so hard. 'And.. And then... Then Michael said' 'I said YOU.' They all start laughing as well and we get some funny looks from the only other two people that are in the restaurant. 'Why did the chicken cross the road?' 'TO GET TO THE OTHER SIDE!' Calum yells the answer through the restaurant and we all look around like we didnt hear anything or anyone. After lunch we split up. Michael and Calum go back to the bus, Luke and Cece go to the mall and me and Ashton go to the park. As we get to the park we can see all the people there. 'Everyone is always happy in this park. It's my happy places.' I tell him. He grabs my hand and walks to an empty space on the grass. 'Let's sit here. It's got an awesome vieuw over the watert. And you can see the fountain as well.' We sit down and talk about some stuff. Nothing very serious. When Ashton lays down I follow his moves and lay down with my head on his chest. 'Look at the clouds. They all look so different. We all call them clouds but they are so different. Different shapes and sizes. Even different colours! Just like people. We are all people. But we are all different and unique. Not one is like the other.' Ashton nods and keeps staring at the clouds. 'The most broken hearts are the wisest.' He then says. 'What do you mean?' I ask him. 'Well you have gone through so much but you are so wise. You know exactly how to put your thoughts and feelings into words. In a way that not alot of people can.' I smile and look at him. How can such a beautiful human even exist? I ask myself. 'Can I ask you something?' 'Sure what do you want to know?' 'If there was one thing on this earth that you would want to accomplish what would it be?' 'I'd want to be a positive influence on people's lives. Or if I ever get kids be the best mommy they could ever wish for.' 'How can a human be so selfless? If you'd ask anyone else that question they'd answer something like I want to bungee jump or I want to go on a road trip or something like that. But you want something that will affect someone else's life. You olny think of other people. How? Don't you just want to do something for yourself sometimes. Don't you get sick of always having to help other people?' 'Nope! That's the beauty of helping others. You give so little but you give so much in return. And sometimes the only thing you have to do is give a compliment. The smile on that persons face is the best thing to me. Making people smile makes me so happy. No alone time could ever be as good as that.'

3 hours later we return to Cece's house. Cece looks very sad. 'Hey what's up?' 'The guys are leavibg tonight.' 'I know.' I squeeze her into a hug and yell: 'PIZZA TIME!' Everyone agrees and half an hour later we are all sitting in a circle on the ground with a pizza on our lap. 'So what have you learned from this little adventure?' I ask Calum. 'That flirting with a waitress is much more fun with friends around.' He jokes. 'I learned that I should be wayyyyy more thankful for everything I have and that I have to stop being so selfish sometimes and think more about others.' Ashton says. 'I raised you right my boy.' I squeeze his hand. 'I learned that I have two awesome unicorn friends!' 'I learned that Cece is even hotter in person.' 'I learned that Luke is a perv.' Cece fires back. 'OHHH BURN BITCH!' Ashton shouts. Then all of a sudden the doorbell rings. 'I'll open it.' Luke walks to the front door. 'Hey are you guys ready? We're leaving in 5minutes.' 'We're coming!' We all carry the bags back to the bus and say our goodbyes. 'I hope I see you again soon Ash' 'I hope so too Liv.' He hugs me really tight and kisses my forehead. 'I love you don't forget that.' He says as he walks into the bus. We wave them goidbye and go back inside. All of a sudden it feels like the world is quiet. Like there is no sound. No music. No people. Just me and Cece. We hug and fall asleep in eachothers arms.

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