Chapter 4

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After being rejected at all the places i applied(which wasnt very much) i went back to the apartment. It was hard to call Alex's place home. I was used to coming here as a guest but nit staying permanently. We had to stay together for a year just so we could divorce each other and also satisfy people around us.

I hoped Alex wasnt in the spartment but my hope was lost when i entered and saw him sitting in the living room couch. For some reason i stood frozen at my spot just staring at his side pose.

I contemplated going silently upstairs to my room but he would see me anyway. Shit. I wasnt ready for a confrontation yet. I had just taken some small steps when his voice stopped me.


It was spoken in a cold yet demanding voice making me shiver slightly. I stayed where i was not daring to move.

"My mom has invited us to dinner tonight and she insisted that you come as well."

With that i turned around so i was faving him. I knew what i looked like: mouth open and eyes wide. I probably looked like a scarecrow.  A shocked scarecrow.

"M-me?" I stuttered.
"Yes and you cant excuse it either. But listen to me. You are not going there for socializing. My mother is known for throwing huge parties. Font shift attention to yorself and everything will be ok," Alex said.

His eyes never moved from mine and i briefly wondered if he was always this cold and demanding. But then i thought, 'he's none of my business.'

"May i know why she's having a party?"

Alex narrowed his eyes at me and i put my hands up in surrender.

"I get it. None of my business," i said.
"Good. We'll leave at 7," he said.

With that said Alex turned to face the tv and i wallked towards my room. Closing the door i walked towards my closet and stood there with a perplexed look.

What to wear?

I didnt have that many formal clothes and i briefly wondered what Alex's family liked. Should i ask him? I quickly disregarded that thought. I dont want him mad at me anymore than he already was. I finally decided to call my mom.

"Hello sweetie," mom's chirpy voice asked.
"Hey mom. How are you?" I asked.
"We are fine sweetie. What about you?" Mom asked.
"I guess you could say i am ok too," i said, varily searching for clothes.
"Why do you say that?" She asked.
"Um you see Alex asked me to accompany him to his parentss house. His mom's throwing a party and according to him i cant say no either," i grumbled.
"So whats the problem?" Mom asked.
"I cant find anything decent enough to wear. Iwant to make a good first impression," i told her.
"When do you leave?" She asked.
"Alex said around 7," i replied.
"Perfect. I am coming to pick you up. Get ready."

With that mom hung up and i stared at the phone in my hand. I quickly changed into a new t-shirt and jeans before brushing my hair and putting necessary things in my purse. I pondered whether to tell Alex about my whereabouts but quickly disregarded the idea. I didnt want him to be pissed off at me more than he already was.

As expected mom came twenty minutes later and i saw her talking to Alex. The two of them stopped and looked at me suddenly making me uncomfortable.

"Uh hey mom," i said.
"Lets go Mitch. I will bring her well before time. Dont worry," mom said to Alex.

The two of us sat in mom's car and drove to the shopping mall.

"How are things going?" Mom asked.
"I dont know," i shrugged.
"Dont you two have had a talk about what your future's gonna be?" She asked.
"Talk? We havent even discussed the main issue here mom! We cant even be in the same room how can we just have a talk?" I asked, exaggerated.
"One of you has to take a step mitch," mom said gently.
"Well thats not going to be me," i said, looking out of the window.

~at the party~


Somehow i couldnt take my eyes of mitchell. She looked unusally attractive tonight. She had gone all out by wearing a beige color dress that accentuated her body.

One part was off-shoulder and the dress flowed at the bottom. Her black hair flowed freely around her shoulders clipped at the middle with a beige clip.

As soon as we arrived henry(step-dad) tried to hug me but i stepped back. I still didnt even liked him even after all these years. I nodded at him curtly and walked inside to see my mom leaving mitchell behind.

"Hey mom. Here. These are for you," i said, with a small smile.

No matter what shit i go through she's still my mom and i love her.

"Oh thank you alex. Where's mitchll? You brought her didnt you?" Mom asked.

For someone her height she can be intimidating if she wants to be.

"Yes mom. I did. Dont give me that look. I guess she's takking to henry," i said.
"Cant you accept him as your fad alex? Its been a long time now," mom saaid.
"Who else is here?" I decided to change the topic.

I know that i should talk to my biologucal dad about ecerything but i dont lnow whether i will trust him sfter the revealation or not. But i put it off because i was still unsure what to ask him. I saw Blake with a few of our guests and walked up to them.

"Hey guys," i said.
"Hey bro. Where's mitchell?" Blake asked.
"She must be with mom," i said shrugging.
"Your wedding was so cool alex! Two in one!" Colton exclaimed.
"Thanks man," i said cooly.
"How's your new wife? Everyone could tell that you two were totally in love," Kimberly said.

Kimberly and colton were husband and wife.

"Yeah totally," i scoffed.

Blake gave me a hard stare which i tried to ignore.

"Uh he's tired. Yeah he's tired. You know how alex get when he's working," blake laughed it off.
"I have been working too much," i admitted.
"That means you havent gone to honeymoon?" Jared asked.
"No man. We havent," i replied.
"You should definitely go to honeymoonn. Who misses out on their honeymoon? Right sweetie?" Kimberly asked.
"Yeah," colton smiled at her.

Going to honeymoon would have been good option if it had been saddie instead of mitchell. At the diner table mom made mitchell sit by her. I was also up front with mom, henry, and blake. Being family and all that.

I watched as mom talked animatedly with mitchell. She was pretty smitten with her. During dinner i caught mitchell's eye and gave her my hard stare. I didnt want her to get too close to my family and find out how fucked up my life really is.

So i finally decided to update!
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