Chapter 33

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Today was saturday so i decided to invite Alex's friends and family for dinner. I knew thag we hadnt had seen each other and i wanted to get to know them. Dialling Trish's number i waited for her to pivk up the call.

"Hey mitch. How you doing?" Trish asked.
"I am fine. Are you busy tonight?" I asked.
"No. Why do you ask?" She asked.
"Well i wanted to invite all of you guys tonight for dinner since its been a lobg time since we had a get together," i said.
"That'd great! Where to at?" Trish asked.
"I was thinking about our place since i also wanted to invite his mom, dad and brother," i said.
"Thats very considerate of you," she said.
"I just feel like i haveny spend some time with thrm," i said.
"You know alex will be very happy to hear that," she said.
"Why?" I asked.
"Saddie was never likr this," she said.
"Really? Cause she behaved differently with me," i froened.
"Perhaps she just wasnt showing you her true colors," Trish said.
"Oh well. Hey how about if we give alex a surprise? I will tell him to comr home early but wont tell him about the dinner," i ssid.
"Sounfs great. See you tomight mitch," she said.
"See you," i replied.

After my call with trish i started cleaning the apartment. Putting the music on; i started swaying to it. What? I loved to dance. Doesn't everyone? I was working on the food when a pair of arms wrapped around me from behind. I almost let out a scream but turned around to see that it was alex. I glared at him as he chuckled slightly.

"You? What the hell are you doing here so early?" I asked.
"I couldnt qait to see you," alex smirked.
"You werent supposed ti come home early," i pouted.
"You are not happy to see me? And whats all this?" He asked, looking around.
"No its not that alex! But you werent supposed to be home until after six!" I exclaimed.
"Why?" He asked, as he started to smirk.
"Just because," i shrugged my shoulders.
"Can't i get a little kiss?" He asked.
"No," i said.
"Why not?" He poited, making me laugh.
"Because you smell," i wrinkled my nose.

Alex sighed before turning around. I smiled slightly as i turned back to my cooking. However i felt s arm pull me back and gasped as alex pressed his lips to my neck. His gands came around my front as i leamed gainst him. Do you get the feeling that you feel safe with that person? Like nothing could hurt you? Thats wgat i felt.

Alexs moith worked wonders as he moved to my cheek before turning me around to face him. Before i could say anything he had slammed his lips into mine.


I was in my ofgice working when trish called me to let me know she was coming over for dinner. She said that mitch wanted to surprise me since i hated surprises but didnt want to hurt her feelings.

So i surprised her bycoming home early. I was pleasantly surprised that mitchell had relented to quit her job and be a housewife. She seemed to be the best thing that had happened to me. I also wanted to surprise her and i did the most unbelieveable thing no one would think of me of doing.

Whistling a happy tune i made my way to my room. Since it was almost dinner time i had only time to take a shower and get ready before the people would come. Changing into a fresh pair of clothes i walked back out and my stomach gtumbled from lack of food.

"Damn! Something smells so good," i said, as i ventured into the kitchen.
"Don't you eat my food," mitchell swatteed my hand that was ready to reach a yummy looking fish.
"But i am hungry," i pouted.
"Go do something else," she said.
"Like?" I asked, an idea already forming in my mind.
"Like watch tv or whatever it is that you male guys do," she said.
"Well we do this."

Having said that i leaned in closer to her and kissed her shoulder. Mitch took a sharp breath of air at the contacy but said nothing.

"Looks like someone isnt interested," i whispered.
"Cause i am busy," mitch said.
"We'll see just how busy you are," i whispered.
"Alex you will make me burn the entire dinner which i worked so hard for," she said.
"Oh well you just ruined my mood," i grumbled.
"Go watch tv," she said.

I could hear the humor in her voice.

"So why such a feast?" I asked, stucking up a convo.
"I felt like it," mitch said.
"You love me ao much," i teased.
"Go tease someone else alwx," she said.

After about an hour the doorbell rang. After opening i was greetes by my mom.

"Mom!" I exclaimes, surprised.
"Honey how are you?"

Mom enveloped me in a hug. Trish never told me that mom was coming.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, as i stepped back from the hug.
"Your wife invited us to dinner," mom said.
"Hey hemry. Hey blake," i greeted.
"Mitcg mom's here," i called.
"Then let them in you doucge," sge yelled back.
"I like her," henry laughed, as we walked inside.

Me too, i silently agreed.

Mitchell had changed my life for the better. She had made me a happier man despite my reservedness. She had made me appreciate the little things in life and made me live in the present instead of the past.

So a few chapters left of this book! Thank you guys sooo much for the love and support! :) feedback is always appreciated! :)


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