Chapter 29

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"When you told me how you have a son you never met i got curious," sam began.
"Yeah i did," alex's dad said.
"Well i did a search on my own since you didnt fully give me the details," sam said.
"Curiosity killed the cat," alex sneered.

I was too focused on my own breathing to actually think about calmong down alex. I dudnt want to have a panic attack at the wrong moment. Especially not in front of sam and alwx's dad. I didnt want them to think of me as a fragile girl who couldnt take care of herself when that wasnt the case.

"Shut up," sam scowled.
"Sam!" Alex's dad chastizised him.
"Anyways eventually my research led me to this douchebag over here," sam gestured towards alex.
"I am a douchbag? You are an irritating leech," alex huffed.
"Boys no foul language," alex'a dad said.
"Anyways i then found out he was dating a girl named saddie. Who in turn was her best friend," sam said, pointing at me.
"So you just started dating me to get back at alex?" I managed to ask.

My heart was beating eratically in my chest. All those promises that sam made to me were nothing.

"Of course. Who would want to date a girl like you?" Sam smirked.

I thought my heart couldnt take anymore heartbreak but i needed to be strong. My family didnt raised me to be weak. They caught me to be strong and face my fears.

"You know what this makes you sam? Not a good friend ar all. Who knows if you are loyal to saddie as well?" I asked.
"Yeah the way you planned all this shit doesnt maje you a loyal person," alex pipped in.
"You think that i am not loyal to saddie? Shes going to be the mother of my child," sam said.
"Og yeah? Who knows if you are loyal to your own child," i scoffed.
"Atleast i sidnt married a fragile girl like you," sam fired back.
"Stop fighting kids," alex's dad said, raising his voice a bit.
"This is all your fault!" Alex glared at his dad.

I couldnt believe this! It was so typical yet still unbelievable.

"Saddir will divorcecyou once she knows what you dif. Once she knows that you just played to get back at me," i stated.
"Oh believe me she was a part of alk this. Falling in love with you was just a ruse," sam scoffed.
"You made all those promises for nothing?" Mitchell asked.

I could feel the anger in her voice. Of course sje had evey right to be angry. Nobodys feelings shoulf be played upon. Its not the right thing to do.

"You were an easy target. Such a softy," sam sneered.
"You thought i was an easy target? And all those tests that jared and Kyle made for you?" She asked.
"Oh they were so easy to handle. Just a little bit of smart playing and i won their hearts. Too bad you were too hesitant to have sex with me," sam said.
"Ad for good reasons as well. All you wanted to do was use me. You actually thought that i was fragile? My brothers and parents didnt raised me to be weak," mutchell said.

I was amazed at her speach. Speaking back to your previous boyfriend whp happened to be your husband's step brother was no easy feet.

"You all are too easy to please," sam smirked.
"Id that all you got?" I asked.

I was getting bored of his rant. I was a bit surprised that i wasnt mych affected by sams words. Well not as much as i should have been. It was almost as if i expected this bullshit.

"Yes," sam smirked.
"Then both of you get out of my house," i said, my tone getting angry.
"Sam leave," alexs dads said.

Sam stuck out his tongue at us begore walking out of my home. I turned to ny father at this point.

"The 'get out' wadnt only for him. It was for you too," i said, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Akex i came to amend things," dad said.
"And you only nade things worse. Now get out," i said, firmly.
"Alex atmeast listen to me once," dad said.
"Sorry mr. Calahar but you had your chance," mitchelk pipped in.

Dad looked at the both of us before he sighed and said, "well all i wanted to say was sorry and that i should have made an effort to see you everytime possible."

His words made me scoff. I wasnt a child anymore whom he could sugarcoat his words.

"Now leave. This issue is over," i said.

Dad sighed again and finally left my apartment closing the door softly behind h8m. After that i slumped down on the chair and took my head in my hands. I felt soft feminine hands on my shoulders and mitchell kneaded the tension out of my body by her amazing hands.

"Thanks mutchell," i sighed, relaxing my body.
"How are you really feeling?" Mitchell asked.
"Surpridingly well," i said, tilting my fave up so i could see her face.

My movement caused our heads to come only inches apart from one another. The silence seemed to increase as we stared into each others eyes. I could practically hear her breathing escalate.

Reaching my handd up i pulled at her hands causing her to move farword and sit on my lap. Wrapping my arms around ger i leaned in and breathed in her scent.

"Thank you for being there," i whispered, my breath fanning her ear.
"You dont have to thank me for that. I think i needed closure as well and i found it," mitchell said.
"Mmmhmm. And i needed to hear the truth from them both," i whisperrd, kissing her neck.

She swueezed my hands which were lying flat on her stomach.

"Alex," she whined, causing me to smirk against her neck.

"Move your stuff in my room. We dont have to sleep separately anymore mitchell," i said, as i continued to plant kisses on her neck.

The lower part of my anatomy started to rise the more i kissed her neck causing her to moan out loud. Pocking up mitchell bridal style in my arms i made my way to my- our room- closing the door with a thud behind us.
Here's the next update! Hope you enjoyed! :) By the way we have reached 1.4K READS with 138 VOTES and 109 COMMENTS!!❤❤❤ THANK YOU GUYSSSS SOOOOO MUCHHHH for keeping my motivation boosted up!😁


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