Chapter 17

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I sighed as i racked a hand through my hair. I completely dorgot the fact that mitchell had panic attacks. I had currently laid her down on the bed in my room. Why my room you may ask? Well maybe because the fact that it was partially my fault.

I mean i did take out my anger on her when in fact she was just worried for me. I scooted the chair closer towards the bed and gazed at her sleeping form. I sighed again as i studied her sleeping face. Her expression was relaxed and almost serene.

Her brown hair framed her face nicely. She was quite different from saddie. I felt my anger resurfacing and shook my head. I couldnt afford to hust let my anger get the best of me. It was pretty lste and i was tired. Getting comfy on the chair i closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I had woken up to a stiff neck. This is one of the consequences of sleeping in the chair. I cracked my neck muscles sughing in relief at the eelease of tension.

"Do you want me to give you a massage?"

I looked towards mitchell who had just come in. She was freshly dressed and showeref; the smell of her shampoo and body wash lingering in the air.

I told my consxience that all i wanted was my muscles to be relaxed. Sleeping in a chair isnt the best way you know. Her hands started kneeding the muscles in my shoulders leading to me letting out a moan at the feel. My eyes closed down of their own accord as my head tilted back. All too soon i felt the magic hands leave my shouldees and opened my eyes.

"Where are you going?" I asked.
"To get breakfast. You need to get ready too. Or else well be late," mitchell said.

Her back was to me and for some reason i disnt like it. I didnt liked the fact that mitchell wasnt comfortable with me. Getting up from my chair i grabbed her atm and turned her around to face me.

"Why do i get the feeling that you still arent comfortBle living with me?" I asked.
"I have accepted this as my home Alex. What more do you want?" She asked.

She was right. What morw did i want?

"Look i know that we didnt marry because we wanted to but we had to make this work atleadt," i said.
"Get ready alex. I dont want my first impression to go wrong," mitchell said.

What did i wanted from this marfiage? I knew i didnt love her. Of course i didnt love her right? I couldnt love her. I was forced tk marry her. How could i love someone whom i was forced to marry?


The car ride to the office was silent. But it was pretty unconfortable. All the time i stared out of the window while alex drove to car. Entering the office i couldnt help but feel the stares of people on me.

Was i wearing the appropriate dress? I had never wofked in a company before. I hadnt looked for a job because sam had said that he wouls provide all the neccessities i needed. He wanted me to become a housewife and i happily agreed. I pushed sams thoughts out of my head.

Today was my first day at a new offive. I wasnt going to let it ruin by thinking about nonspecifuc things. Going into alexs boss office(who would soon be my boss as well) i listened patientky as he exolained the work i had to do.

It wasnt mych though. All i had to do was stay in the office and attend calls if any and go to homes and houses if called for interior designer. Pretty easy if you ask me. And even my pay was more than enough for me. It was enoufh for me to add to my savings account.

After the introduction with boss i was shown to my new office. Which was vasically on the floor below alex. The office was a little small but not like i minded. It was cosy and exactly like how an interior designer office should be.

"You know thr previous designer was a girl. And everybody in here had their eyes on her," the secretary said.
"So?" I asked, not getting her point.
"Nothing. I just wamted to say was that girls here are really fashionable. And you know your dressing here isnt appropriate," she said.

I felt my face blush at hef words. I knew wgat she was trying to say. She was trying to say that i wasnt dressed properly for the office. I looked down at my feet. I felt like a lower misdle class in here. I didnt belobg here. I would never belong here.

The door to my new office closed shut ad the secretary left. I sat down on my chair and placed my head in my hands. I sat like that for a few minutes before deciding that i better srart my work for the day. I didnt wsnt to appear like i was a lazy worker.

I had been working for some time until there was a knock on the door. Glancing up i spoke: "come in."

The door openef and in came a guy. He looked to be in his late twenties. He was tall and on the leaner side. His hair were brown and there was a bit of beard on hus chin which kind of suited him.

Mitchell you are married for goodness sake! You shouldnt stare at other men! I chidddd myself.

"Yes?" I asked, keeping my voice professional.
"Hi. I am Trevor. I work on the graphic department," trevor said, holding out his hand.

I looked at his outskretcged hand and back to his brown eyes.

"Sorry i am married," i said.

Trevor let out a laugh at my words and made himself comfortable on the chair.

"I think i am going to like you," trevor said.
"Huh?" I ssked, raising my eyebrows.
"Unlike most female here they would have atarted flirting with me," he said.
"Well i am not like most females," i said, going bavk to my work.
"Aremt you going to take a break?" He asked.
"Yes but not with you."

Trevor and i both turnef around to find alex standing at the door.

So what do you think? Feedback would be appreciated! :)


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