Chapter 30

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I groaned as i felt my bladder protesting to be released. Trying to move i felt that my movement was being blocked by something heavy. Opening my eyes i saw that it was alexs arm that was blocking my escape. I tried moving his arm from around my waist but it was too damn heavy.

"Ugh alex! What fo you eat to make your arm this heavy?" I groaned, feeling the pressure from my bladder increase.

Geez bladder, did you had to get full at the wrong time? I was having such a good dream also! Having tried two or three times nut to no avail i finally managed to poke him in the chest. Hard.

"Ouch! Wgat the hell!" Akex exclaimed as he sat up on the bed.
"Your arm was way to heavy and i needed to release my bladder," i said, as i hoped off the bed.
"That didnt mean that you had to like pubch me in the chest," he said, flopping down on the bed.

After i relieved myself i walked back into the room and glanced at the clock only to see that it was already 5 in the morning. Better start the day early since i was already awake now.

"Alex i am making breakfadt," i said.
"Its not even morning yet mitch," alex groaned.
"Its 5:30 in the morning doofus," i said.
"Is it morning all ready?" He groaned.
"Yes," i said.
"Just sleep a little while longer," he said.
"You can sleep but i am making breakfast," i said.

Walking down the stairs i switched on the lights and made my way to the conjoined kitchen where i started making breakfast. The kithen and the living room was soon filled with the smell of breakfast. Today i was making chocolate pancakes woth syrup. And two cups of coffee for both alex and i.

"Hey mitch," alex said as he entered the kitchen.
"Yeah?" I asked, flipping the pancakes over.
"I was thinkibg about something," alex said.
"What?" I asked, turning around briefly to look at him.
"Why dont you like wuit your job?" He asked.

I waited as i placed the cooked pancakes in to the plates and turned off the stove.

"Why? I mean are you against working women?" I asked.
"Not really i mean like i can support the two of us really well. I am just saying that you should do some light work," alex said.
"I dont know alex. I mean i dont know what i would do if i stayed home all day," i said.

The two of us sat down at the table with our breakfast and coffee in fromt of us.

"You dont have ti stay home all the time. Just some light work to keep you busy," alex said
"I dont know ales. Like i am comfortable though. I might need somr time to think this through," i said, chewing my bottom lip.
"All right thats a fair enough decision. Then lets get going then," alex said.

The two of us walked out of the apartment and toeards our office. All day long i was stuck attendiing to phone calls and making appointsments. By the time it was my lunch break i was kind of exhausfed.

"Hey my wife. Ready to head to lucnh?" Alex asked, as he stuck his head in through the door.
"Yeah. I just need some time to finish og this project," i said.
"The projet can wait. I am quite hungry and cant wait to have lunch with my wife," he winked at me.

I couldnt help but blush at his words. Damn! He was making me feel like a school girl again. And was that a double meaning behind his words?

"Fine. I am coming. Let me safe this work," i said.

It took me just a couple of seconds to safe my work and then i was done. Alex and i waljed out of the office and to the nearby cafe. We ordered our food and started talking.

"So why do want me to stop working?" I asked.

I had been yhinking about what alex had said to me this morning and i hadnt been able to stop thinking about it.

"I mean with a job kike this we are both bounf to come home at the same time. And both of us would be tired. I am not saying that you shoulf completely stop working," alex said.
"Then what are you saying?" I asked.
"I am saying that i wany my wife to be home and relaxed and refresh so i could spend quality time with her. If you want you can work in a cafe or a bookshop for a specigic hours," he said.
"You know you are a pretty different guy," i said.
"You are a pretty different girl as well," he said, smirking.


And i meant every word i said. Mitchell was a very different girl. At first i thiught that she wouldnt be different and cheat on me like saddie did. But she proved to be strong and stood by my side through everything. Moreover my mom, blake and my friends adored her.

Mitchell blushed ay my words causing my smirk to widen.

"I dont know alex. Like ihave always thought about doing work after graduating in interior designing and gaining experience in my firld of work," mutchell said.
"You can still work from home though. Money isnr an issue here," i said.
"I am not into money either. I just want to gain experience," mitchell said.

At that noment the waitress came and placed our food in front of us.

"You can think about it all you want. But if you still want to work i will stand by you," i said.
"Thanks alex," she smiled at me.
"By the wayi was thinking," i said.
"When are you not thinking?" She teased, making me smile.
"Why not we invite your family over for lunch or dinner? You canask your mom," i said.
"My family? Why?" She asked, frowning.
"Just because. Its been a long time since we have seen them. Since you hafe seen them," i said.

I thought it was better if i started amendinf my terms with mitchelk's family. Mainly because they were ny in laws and i had gotten to a very bad start with them.

So here's the next update guys! Please be sure to leave a feedback! Its much appreciated! :)


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