Chapter 13

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I went straight to my parents house after my 'interview.' You could hardly call jt an interview considering that i didnt even had to go through the usual routine processess. And i neededd to tell this to someone and my family seemed the only option.

Ringing the bell i only had to wait for a bit before the door was opened by kyle.

"Mitchell!" Kyle exclaimed, pulling me in for a hig.

I hugged him back tighter as i fought hard not to cry. I didnt want them to feel as if i wasnt capable of looking after myself. I wanted them tk know that they had raised a strong girl who could protect herselg just fine.

"How are you? Hows that jackass doing?" Kyle asked.

I smiled at his name for alex.

"He isnt that bad you know," i told him.

Except when he gets angry at the most random times, i thought to myself.

Kyle ushered me in adn closed the door behind me. I sighed at the feel of my old home. Things were the same.

"Where's everyone?" I asked, as we settled in the living room.
"Mom and dad have gone out while Jared is well dating," kyle said.
"Seriously?" I asked, shocked.

(A/N: Did i mention Jared and Kyle girlfriends or wives before? I forgot and i didnt see any mention in the previous chapters. If i did please mention.)

"Yeah. They just recently started dating. I kind of personally like the girl,"  kyle said.
"Oh yeah? Whats her name?" I asked, interested.
"Her name is Julia," kyle saaid.
"Thats a pretty name," i said.
"Well thats enough about us. What about you?" Kyle asked.

Before i could answer my phone tang. Glancing at thr caller ID i was surprised to see that the call was drom Alex. He never called me. And then i was hesitant to answer. I mean i knew he would only yell at me because i wasnt at his apartmrnt.

"Who is it?" Kyle asked.
"Alex," i said.

I felt my heart do some flip flops.

"Why dont you pick it up?" He asked.

Giving him a skall smile i picked up the call.

"Hello," i said.

My throat felt dry and i cleared it as alex asked me the question i knew he would ask.

"Wheee are you? Why arent you at home?" Alex asked.

Why was he asking all these questions? It wasnt like we were anythibg serious. We both kept to our separate wats. By the look on kyle's face i knew that he had seen the look of syrprise on my face.

"Um i went to my parents house," i said.
"Well i need you to come back," aled said.

Before i could say anything the call got disconnected. I glanced at my phone with a look of sisbelief.

"Well looks like you and alex are finally getting together. Have you two done the deed?" Kyle raised his eyebrows.

I blushed a scarlett red at his sentence and looked at my lap.

"He wants me back at the apartment," i mutterdd.
"Well looks like you have wrapped him around your little finger," kyle laughed.


Shit. Why the hell fid i call mitchell in the first place? And why the hell did i ask her to come back? I mean right now i sojnded like some needy man who couldnt stay alone without his wife.

I didnt wanted to sound likr a girl. Nor did i wanted to sound as if i needed mitchell. It was just that usually with mitchell around i temd to get angry with the smallest things. But i dont know. I guess i just felt lonely and called her on instinct. Now i knew i was stupid to call her.

Mitchell would think i needed her in my life when all i wanted to do was throw her out of my life so i could breath afain freely. Then why the hell did i call her as soon ad i found out she wasnt home?

I was aroused from my thoughts when i heard tthe front door open. I had given mitchell a spare key because i didnt wsnt to be bothered again and again. Nor did i want to be bound.

"Whrre were you? And why difnt you call?" I asked, as soon as mitchell walked in.

By this time i had stood up from my chair and turned around so i faced her with my arms crossed across my chest.

"Um i-i went home," mitch said, looking at her feet.
"And not once did you thought about informing me?" I asked, stalking towards her.
"Well- um i- she stuttered.
"That is not the answer i was looking for," i smirked.

Walking close enough that i could touch her; i caged her in. I could smell the perfume she wore; its intoxicating smell wafting to my nose. Mitchell looked up; her brown eyes staring into mine.

"Why do you defy me?" I asked, my voice a whisper.
"I dont defy you," she said.
"Oh yeah. Likr not telling me where you were going? Like not lettingvme drop you off?" I questioned.
"Um i thought of not to bofher you," she said, looking at me.
"Not to bother me? Well too late for that. We were at my company. The place where i work. And yet you didnt allow me to drop you off?" I scoffed.
"Wait you are nad at me because i didnt allow you to drop me off?" She asked, sounding shocked.

My eyes went down to her olump lips. They were so close. Jusy an inch away. Without thinking what i was doing i leaned in closer and touched my lips to hers.

Uh oh! So Alex might start liking mitchell! What do you think? Feedback would be appreciated! :)


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