Chapter 31

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I had taken a day off from work since i had invited my family over for dinner. I was doing the cleaning first since i wanted to make a good first impression of our humble home. It was now 3pm in the afternoon and i was now finished with the cleaning.

Alexs offer about not working all day long was looking promisinh. Like sure i could maybe go out to work for a few hours like he said. Quickly taking a shower i felt refreshed and settled on making dinner. I made everybodys favorite considering that they were coming after a long time.

Byt rhe time i was almost done making dinner it was 6pm and time for alex to come home. I was just done with the dishes when i heard the door open and close and knew rhat akex was home. I smiled as i thought of seeing alex after a long day.

"Hey babe. Somethung smells delicious," alex said, as he entered the kitchen.
"Thanks. How was your day?" I asked, turning around to face him.
"Fine. I missed you though," he said.

I felt my stomach clench and my heart race in my chest. He looked so good even while tired.

"Do you need anything to eat before dinner?" I asked.
"Yeah. I am actually hungry," alex said, coming towards me.

I caught the double meaning behind his words and blushed furiously. I looked for a way out and curses myself for standing close to the oven.

"Hyh. I think maybe you should rake a bath and get ready," i said, trying to distract him.
"Your family can wait but right now i need my wife's company," alex said.

Alex xaged me in his arms and stared at my eyes. I felt suddenky flustered and looked down.

"Dont hide yiur beautiful face from me," alex breathed.

His hand on my chin drew my fave up until i was looking into his eyes again. My breath hitched in my throat as i saw the lust in his eyes and gulped. Alex leaned and i closed my eyes on instinct. I felt his lips toucb mine and my body responded to the simplest rouches.

His tongue traced my bottom lip asking for enteranxe to which i denied. His hands travelled down my body only to grasp my butt in his hands in a firm grip. The sudden contact made me gasp and alex took that as an advanrage to plunge his tongue into my moutb.

We french kissed for a while until we pulled apart only to beeath for air.

"Now i need a cold shower," alex said, resting his forehead againsr mine.

I blushed a scarlet red and pushed him back.

"Take a shower and relax while i finish making dinner," i said, turning back to my cooking.

Alex walked out of the kitchen whistling a happy tune. I couldnt gelp but smile and felt happy just beung with him.


I sure missed mitchell at office today but when i got home in the evening to find her waiting for me i was even more happier. The radiant look on her face when she saw me actually made my day.

I took a cold shower and got changed into confortable clothes. Flopping down on the bed i yawnec slightly feeling my eyes start to ckose. There was time for a nap still.


I felt myself being shaken and woke up rybbing my eyes.

"What?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.
"Get ready. They'll be gere in an hour," mitchell said.
"What time is it?" I asked, getying up.
"7pm," mitchell said, turning on the lights.
"May i have a kiss first?" I asked, grabbing mitch'a arm.
"Only if you dont want to gave a cold shower again," she smirked making me groan.

By the time i was ready mitche's family had already arrived and were talking in the living room. To be honest i felt a bit nervous as i walked downstairs alone. I shook my head. I was behaving like such a girl. Putting on my best smile i walked into the living room.

"Hello everybody," i said.
"Hello alrx," mitch's dad said, sranding up.

He engulfed me in a hug which kind of surprised me. I never was one to be given a hug. I looked at mitch over her dad's shoulder and she smiled at me. I smiled back and pulled out of the hug.

"How are you treating my daughter?" Her dad asked.
"Dad please dont," mitch said, groanibg a bit.
"Its ok mitch," i smiled at her.
"Why dont you ask your daughter? She will tell you if i am treating her right or not," i said.
"Hey man. Nice to meet you. I am Jared," a guy said, standing up and offering me his hand.
"I am Kyle," the other guy said.
"Hello i have heard a lot about you," i said.
"Do you guys need anything to drink?" Mitch asked, standing up.
"Just dinner would be good," her mom said.
"Fine. I will det the table," mitxh said.
"I will come with you," her mom said.

The two walked out of the room leaving me alone with her brothers and dad. Damn!

"Yiu arent going to decieve our little sister are you?" Jared asked.

He seemed to be more of the anger type.

"No. I am not a playboy," i answered.
"Look if you even hurt her the slightest we would come after you and kill you in an instant," Kyle said.
"Believe me i wouls never do such a thing," i replied.

Thankfully at that moment mitch came back to announce that dinner was ready. I knew her brothers werent finished with their investigation though!

Here's the next update! Please vote and comment! :)


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