Chapter 6

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Once home i slammed the apartment door and started pacing the living room. I heard the front door open again but closed it softly. I knew it was Mitchell. As soon as i heard her come in i pulled her up against the wall.

I dtared into her hazel eyes as i dared her to say something. One thing i noticed was that her eyes were a warm. While when i looked into that bitch's eyes there was no warmth in thrm. Why was i thinking about that bitch when i had more pressing mattrs at hand?

"Why were you socializing?" I asked through gritted teeth.

I had specifically told her not to socialize and she did exactly the oppisite!

"I wasnt the one wjo initialized the talking," mitchell said.
"Oh yeah? Then you sjouldnt have said anything!" I sneered.
"That wouldnt have been nice," she said.
"You werent there to play mice," i yelled at hwr face.
"Would you have liked if i would have showed attitude to your mom? Or uoyr friends?" She asked.
"I dont care about any of the others. I told you not to tslk to anyone!" I shouted.
"You dont even care about your mom?"

At her words i stopped my rant. But why was i angry with her in the first place? She was tight. I wouldnt have liked it anyway if she had been a bitch to my mom. Or showed attitude to my friends.

Having nothing more to say i stomped towards my room and slammef the door of my room. I ran my hand through my hair several times thus making it messy. But i could care less about my hair.

Mitchell was messing up with me. Eveyrime i wanted to make her reslize the mistake i would start comparing her with saddie. But the two friends were very different.

Mitchell vleaned up the apartmebt (except my room). While i had to tell saddie gspecifically tto clean the apartment. Mitchel was nice to my mom the first time she met her.

While saddie was reserved and disnt talk much. Not like my mom likes her anyway. But wait. Why was i comparing them again? This was only temporary. Not like this was permanent. The ringing if my phone aroused me from my thoughts.

"Yes?" I answered, picking up on the second ting.
"I am coming to your apartment and taking mitchell out. You have kept her cooped up for too long," Trisb's voice said.
"But i dont think she would feel comfortable eith you," i said.
"Oh she had gotten plenty comfortable with us at the part mister," she said.

I cojld literally picture her wagging her finger at me. Thats how trish was. Always gets what she wanted.

"Ok fine. But i know she wont ho out with you," i said.
"Oh yeah? Why are you hiding her from all of us?" Trish asked.
"I am not hiding her," i said defensively.
"Good," shd said.

With that she hung up and i stared at my phone in my hand. This woman was weird. A few minutes later i heard the doorbell ring. I knew mitchell would answer the door ultimately. And i knew she did because the next thing i heard vouces. A knock on the door alerted ne that Trish was here.

"Come in," i said.
"Hey man."

I was surprised to see Lancr as well.

"Hey bro. I thought it would be trish only," i ssid
"I thought i didnt come as well and see how you are doing," lance said.
"Tge usual," i sighed.
"Come on man. You got to get out of this place," he said.
"I went out to the party didnt i? And i go to work as well," i said.
"You are not the fun Alex that we knew," he said
"I am the same. Did trish leave?" I asked.
"Yes. Mitchell wajted to tell you sge was leaving but i told her that i would tell you," he said.
"Oh ok," i nodded my head.
"Have you talked eith her yet?" Lance asked
"No. And i am not planning to. I dont want to drag her in my life," i said.

"Dude she's your wife now," lance said.
"Not permanantly. I am going to dicorce her soon," i said with determination.
"Og yeah? And what are you going to tell everyone? They all know you are going to marry the lobe of your life," ge said.
"The rest og the world can go fuck themselves!" I swore.


"So how are things with alex?" I asked.
"I dont know," mitcgell shrugged her shoulders.
"Have you tried talking to him?" I asked.
"He either appears ti be too busy or else i chicken out," she said.
"Look try to understand him a bit ok Mitchell?" I asked.
"I dont see thar working betwern us," she said.

I dydnt want to duscourage mitchell. I knew they both beeded time but someone had to take the first step in their new relationship.

"Hace you considered asking alex if he wanted to be friends witb you?" I asked.
"I cant face him," mitchell said.
"Why not?" I questioned.
"Because i feel guilty," she said.

She felt guilty? That was a first, i thought.

"But why?" I asked.
"I mean he never thought he would get stuckn with me instead. Its just i feel like i should have refused," mitchell sighed.
"I am glad you didnt. Because then we wouldnt have met you in the first place," i told her.

This part was indeed true. I was glad saddie had cheated on alex. She wasnt good for him but since alex was finally happy none of us wanted to ruin his happy mood. His mismatched family life was enough for him.

"I dont kniw trish. I dont know if i am goid enough for anyone,"mitchell said.
"You are saying that brcause you dont know alex yet. He isnt showing you his true self," i said.
"I pegged him to be serioud and an introvert guy,"she said.

I burst out laughing at that. Alwx was an introvert? Never! He only posed that side of him if he was assessing people. And it made me extremely happy to hear that he was thinking of giving mitchell a chance.

"Alex is one of the most talktauve guys you'll ever meet. You wont get bored witb him," i said.
"If i stay," mitchell said.
"Come on. Lets hir the mall," i said, getting out of the car.

So i decided to put in Trish's pov! How was it? Any feedback would be appreciated!


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