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I decided to be nice and do an epilogue for the closure of the story!


It had been a whole one year and i found out i was pregnant by alex's child. My emotions had been hayware due to the pregnancy. Alex had been so sweet during this time. He had been so parient with me.

The day was so lonely. I had no one to keep me company. Trish had to go somewhere so i couldnt have a girls day out. It sucked to b alone. I had done everything i could think of doing and even then it was only 2pm. Alex had a long time till he came home. I couldnt wait till that time just so i could see him.

This pregnancy he had me dropped out of the parttime job i had started at a nearby bookshop saying that i needed to look after myself and our child. I understand what hes trying to say but i am so bored. Theres no one to talk to.

Besides i cant walk even if i tried to. My belly is so big that i am acraid that it could burst any moment. And i have weird cravings  at weird times. Poor alex had to get up in weird hours of the night to get what i want. Or else i wouls throw a tauntram. Acting like a child.

I decided to call my mom since its been quite some time i have talked to her. I miss talking to her.

"Hey mom," i smiled as i pickef up the phone.
"Hey baby girl. Hows the pregnancy doing?" Mom asked.
"Driving me crazzy," i groaned.
Mom laughed as she said, "oh sweetie you wont think that way once your child is born."
"I cant wait till he/she comes into this world. How did you hold up with three kids?" I asked.
"You get used to it sweetie. Hows alex? Hes such a good kid," mom said.

I sighed in happiness. Thank goodness mom and everyone accepted alex as a good guy. He was ebrything that sam wasnt for me. He was going to be a great father. He was already a great husband.

"I have been having weird cravings and mood swings," i said.
"Pregnanxy does that to you," mom said.
"I make poor alex get up in the middle of the night because of my weird cravings. I feel so guilty," i said.
"Does he get up or does he act like a complete jerk?" Mom asked.
"Hes so sweet mom. He mever says a thing. He just wakes up and gets me the thing i am craving. I need some way to tell him his attention means a lot to me," i said.

I was again feeling an overwhelming desire to cry. Just because Alex was the best thing that had happened to me. Our honeymoon was one of the best thing we had in a long time and our child was the best thing out of this honeymoon.

"Well why dont you cook a nice dinner for alex as a rhank you? I know he would appreciate that very much," mom said.

I perked up at that. A nice dinner. Cooked entirely by me. During this pregnancy alrx had forbidden me to cook as if i am completely helpless and not merely pregnant. We have ordering take outs almost everyday and i am suck of it. Why not surprise alex? Though from my experience alex isnt very fond of surprises and for some reason i just find it very cute. Time to make one badass dinner.


I was looking farword to seeing mitchell. She had become more beautiful while being pregnant with our child. Child. The word alone makes a grin of my face. I am going to be a dad. I am going to be the best dad ever.

I suddenly get a desire to see my wife and wuickly try to finish up my work so i could get home and spend the rest of the day with her and our unborn child. All my collegues had been happy for me when i told them that i was going to be a dad.

Mitchell was now exactly 9 months pregnant and the child could be born anytime. I had forbidden mitchell to even work not to even cook. I didnt want anything happening to either the baby or the child.

I wanted the both of them to be safe and happy. As soon as the clock steuck 5pm i got up from my desk and made my way out of the office. Singing happily i stopped by a flower dhop and brought mitchell a bouqet of her favorite flowers. She loved flowers. They would bring a smile on her face.

Humming happily i drove home so i could surprise mitchell not kowing that i wiuld be the one surprised. Entering my home i was inded surprised to smell great foods. Who was here? Perhaps trish was here.

"Mitchell," i called.
"In the kitchen," she replied.

Entering the kitchen i was shocked to see that mitxhell was the one reaching the counter above the cooking range. Making quick work of my feet i grabbed her arm and spun her around to face me.

"What do you think you are doing huh?" I asked, breathing hard.
"Cooking alex. I am pregnant not helpless," mitchell rolled her eyes.
"What if you had been hurt hug? What could have happened?" I asked, trying to take light of the situarion.
"I didnt hurt myself. Dinner is almost done. I was just thinking of making a desert," she said.
"We can order desert. You sit," i said firmly.

Taking her by the shoulders i turned her around and placed her on a chair.

"I brought these flowers for you," i said, finally guving her the flowers that i had put on the table.
"Thank you alrx. These are wonderful," mitchell said, smelling them.
"You are wonderful," i smiled at her as i kissed her temple.

Mitchell insisted on helping me set the table leaving no choice for me. We had just set the last place when she gave a cry of pain. Rushing to her side i asked, "what happened?"
"My water broke," mitchell said.

I called 911 and called for an ambulance and we took mitchell to the hospital immediately. I was hypervebtilating and decided to call her snd my family.

Soon everyone had arrived and we were in the emergency department of the hospital. I was the only one inside with mitchell for her support holding her hand and saying soothing words. It hurts me to watch her writhe in pain and cry with the force of the pain.

Her labour pains were coming and after 8 long hours of labour a cry of a baby was heard in the room. Mitchell let out a long breath of relief and slumped against the surface of the table as she was exhausted by the labour.

"It's a baby girl," the doctor smiled as she handed the bundle of joy in my arms.

My eyes filled with unshed tears as i looked at my baby girl who was wrapped up in a pink blanket with her eyes closed.

"She's so tiny," i whispered in awe.
"You need to cut the cord," the nurse said, holding out a pair of scissors.

I gave our daughter to mitxhell and called everyone in so they could meet my daughter. My baby girl. My princess. She was going to be a daddy's girl and her daddy would spoil her rotten.

"What are you going to name her?" Mom asked, as she looked at my little bundle of joy.
"Have you thouggt of a name?" I asked mitchell.
"Well i thought about Esmeralda. For emerald jewel. But i sm not sure," mitchell pursed her lips.
"That sounds wonderful dear," i smiled at as i turned to look at my daughter.
"Esmeralda Calahar welcome this world."

The end

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