Chapter 16

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Those familiar blue eyes.

Those familiar blokde hair.

All at once several emotions flashed through my body as if it was ignited.





Stalking towards saddie i knew that i hadnt gotten over her betrayal.

"Did you cheat on me because i didnt had a better qualification?" I hissed.
"Alex! I told you i still love you!" Saddie exclaimed.

I backed her up against the wall and looked into those bkue eyes. Those blue eyes that i loved so much. Notice on the word loved. Past twnse. But i wanted my closure. I wanted my closure on how could everyone just up and leave me alone when i needed them the most?

Leaning in i breathed in and stared into her eyes. Those eyes that i had looked into lovingly. Thise eyes that i had thought loved me unconditionally. But i guess i wasnt worth it. I wasnt worth anyones time.

"I dont like it when i get cheated upon," i hissed.
"How many times do i have to tell you that i am sorry?" Saddoe asked.

I think i shocked the both of us when i pulled saddie towards me. Placing her arms around me i kissed her without any warning. This kiss was different though. This kiss wasnt like the one we had shared so many times before.

Saddie didnt respond back. That just made me kiss her harder. I pressed her against the wall as i leaned in closure. I didnt feel the tingling sensation i once felt. Tangling my hands in her hair i pulled back only to start kissing her neck. That was until ivfelt a stinging sensation on my face.

That made me pull back in shock as i looked at saddie. Who was glaring at me ad i craddled my left cheek.

"What the hell alex? Have you gone insane!" Saddie cried.
"I love you saddie. I love you! Not mitchell or anybody else!" I glared at her.
"I am pregnant by someone else's child alex! I am pregnant!" She exclaimed.
"Msybe its my child," i ssid, staring her down.
"No. The chold is sams," she said.
"What was so special about him huh? What was so special about him that you hax to leavr me? That you had to chose sam!" I said, my voice rising.
"Alex please leave before sam comes back. I dont want to have to explain it to him," saddie said.
"You will never be happy saddie. Remember that. You will come back to me," i said, stepping away from her.

With that said i turned around amd walked out of the house slamming the door behind me. My anger was still there so i didnt mind the fact that i didnt brougbt my car. I wanted to punch something. Right now gym would be a better option.

Checking out my phone i saw that i had several missed calls and messages. Opening my phone i saw that all were from mitchell. That just made me feel irritated. Who the hell was she to call me every dreaking hour? Guess i had found my punching bag.


Pacing the living room i wortied about alex. I know i know. Why was i worrying about alex when he didnt even care whether i was alive or not? Wrapping my arms around myself i almost jumped as the front door opened and slammed shut indicating that alex was home.

I had just taken a few steps when alex stomped in. Hks face was reddened and angry making me gulp and take a step back. I felt my heart hammering inside my chest. I prayed that i wouldnt have one of my pamic attacks now. They seemed to come at the worst possible time.

"Who do you think you are huh?" He asked.

He was stalking tiwards me like a prey stalked towards his predator. His eyes held such an intense look that i couldnt look in his eyes anymore.

"Who do you think you are pretending to be huh?" He asked.
"Me? W-what are you saying?" I sturttered.

Even to my own ears my voice sounded weak. So weak that i was surprised that my voice even left my throat.

"Yes. By calling me multiple times what were you trying to imply?" He glared.
"N-nothimg alex. I was just worried," i said.
"Worried? Worried for what? You had nothing to be worried about!" He exclaimed.

I backed up for each step he took farwords until my back hit the couch. My breathing was starting to labor as i felt my arms sbecome sweaty. There was a ringing sensatuon in my voice which forbad me to hear anything clearly.

"I- we are married alex," i said.
"We may be married by paper and by law but i dobt consider you my wife!" He exclaimed.

My heart was beating so fast that i thought that it would beat out of my chest. I felt alk the blood rushing to my face and my legs shakibg.

I didnr know why him proclaiming his hate for me had so much effect on me. When i knew that both of us didnt lobe each other. Both of us hadnt axcepted each other through our hearts. Before i knew it i felt my eyes close on their own accords and let darkness consume me.

So? What are your thoughts on this? Sorty if its a little short! Feedback is appreciated! :)


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