This is the end

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  • Dedicated to Sparky

This, my friends, brings us to the end of Marissa Potter. I will miss Marissa and her friends. Actually, I won't miss them at all, because....


It will be called Harmony Note and it will be awesome! Probably! Well, I'm hoping. So here's the description thingy..............

"Hogwarts? What's Hogwarts?" I said ludicrously.

The girl just stood there with her mouth open.

Harmony Note is a normal person. She has a normal family, normal friends, a normal dog, normal clothes, norma- yeah. You get it, she's normal. So when she escapes from her 'loving' (pffft) mum and step-dad, she ends up on the streets for eternity, and she wanders... straight into Diagon Alley.

You see, Harmony Note has always been a witch, but she's never known it. When she finds Marissa Potter and her family in the Alley, her world is turned upside down.

Sound good?

This is Harmony at the side, Elle Fanning!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.

It will be out later on in the year! Bye, and I look forward to seeing all the people that have read Marissa Potter (that's over 1,800 - THANKS SO MUCH!) reading Harmony Note.

Goodbye for now!


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