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7:30 am. The alarm clock wakes her up. Its Tuesday. She quickly gets up and starts to get changed. She put her uniform on.on she heard a the door knob twist open.
"Hey Mimi breakfast is ready!" Hikaru says as he looks up.
"Hey can you help me tie up this tie please." She says to Hikaru.
"Sure." He says back, he tied it for her. "Thanks Hikaru!" She says as she heads downstairs. She walks into the dinning room and sees the table filled with food. Some maids come over to her.
"Hello miss fujioka what would you like for breakfast?" They ask.
"Well um , may I have eggs and bacon please?" She says nicely.
"Of corse what would you like to drink ?" The other maid asks.
"Milk please." She says back as she sits down beside Kaoru and Hikaru.
" heres you breakfast miss!" They say.
"Thank you." She says back to them. They start eating in till its time to go to school. Mimi quickly brushes her teeth clean and puts up her hair in pigtails. They head to school in a limo . "Thanks see you in school!" She says to them. Heading to the auditorium she sees who made the cut for the first audition. "Yes I'm in the first cut!" She says to herself.
A guy walks up and sees the the paper.
"Of corse i made it I'm going to be the lead male role!" He said.
"Who are you ?did you audition?" Mimi said.
"I am Lee lang my father is a proud seller of lang black pearls. I am going to be the star in this play!" Lee said as he twirled around.
"And why are you making the play tryouts your nothing , but a worthless commoner!" He said to her.
"Well i may be a commoner ,but i have talent!" She says to him as she walks away.  The day goes bye fast and Mimi heads home with Hikaru and Kaoru.

Haruhi's pov
Where is she? I wonder as i keep trying to find my sister Mimi. I looked all over town and on the next city. I hope i find her ,I don't want to loose her. I search and search as it hit me. Maybe shes with my friends i know she depends on others.
I dialled Honey and Morri , but she wasn't there. Then I dialled Kyoya ,but she wasn't there either. Finally I dialled Tamaki Senpai , no surprise he flirted with me and my sister wasn't there. Only one last try.
She dialled Hikaru and Kaoru. "Hey Hikaru this is Haruhi I don't know if you heard , but my sister ran off and I was wondering of she was at your mansion?" I said.
"Um no shes not here." Hikaru lied through the phone.
"Um thanks see you tomorrow at school!" I said to him. How could I not find her she would never act like this, would she? I wonder what happened.

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