(1) Flashbacks

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Three hours earlier - 5:00pm

"SELENA MARIE GOMEZ. What the hell is going on here?" Mandy yelled, watching her daughter stand up quickly, a surprise look covered her face as she placed her  hands over her naked body.

"Wh-why are you two back so early?" Selena stuttered, brushing her fingers through her hair while the two clothed themselves. She wanted to present herself as being fearless but right now, she knew she took it too far now. The stranger that was her accomplice ran out without an apology to Mandy or spoke no words to Selena.

"You should be glad your dad hasn't come in with me! How do you think he will feel if he saw you right now?" She angrily said as she looked away, ashamed of Selena. She was confused as to where she went wrong with her daughter. What did she do to make her daughter act this way?

"Erm. Please, correct yourself. He's not my dad." She spat out frustratedly. She disliked hearing her mum refer Brian as her father. Selena already had a father, one was enough for her. He may not be in their presence but no one would take his place.

Mandy stormed up to Selena and slapped her twice across the face making Selena fall back onto the couch. Realising her actions, she stepped backwards with teary eyes.

"I didn't mean to do that" She quietly muttered, noticing that her daughter's cheek was now bright red. 

Selena stood up with tears rolling down her face, she looked at her momma, eye to eye.  "I hate you." She screamed.

"What did you just say?" Mandy rhetorically asked. She knew exactly what Selena said, but wanted to hear it again.

"I really hate you." And with that, Selena ran upstairs to her room.

Mandy fell to the ground crying loudly as Brian entered the room.

"M..mandy? What happened?" He worriedly asked, as he rushed over and comforted her.

Mandy could not gather words to say, so they sat in silence.

Selenas' POV

There is only one rule to remember when you are famous and that is 'be careful of your actions'.

I was a full-time entertainer. Starting in this industry was easy. Now, I hate how the whole World is watching my every move, waiting for me to make the wrong turn.

I was once the 'Innocent Disney Girl', but everyone changes? 

Everyone has their ups and down, right? 

Well I'm sick of this lifestyle because everyone makes mistakes. We are all humans and we all change due to our past experiences.

End of Selenas' POV


"Dad! No! Please! I beg you! Please..don't go. Don't leave me.." Selena cried, watching her dad walk out of the house with his suitcase. 

He turned around, blew a kiss at her, got into the taxi and then drove off. She ran after the taxi until she was out of breath.

"Please..come..back." She cried out, Mandy rushed over to her, hugging her tightly. 

"Get.off.me. Get off me now. You made him leave. If you just loved him, loved him for real then we wouldn't have to be in this situation." She screamed, careless of being in public.

"Selena, stop. People are looking." She ordered, looking to see people gather. 

Selena snapped and pushed away her mother. "I don't care. Just leave me alone!" She angrily spoke, running out of sight.

*End of Flashback*


Selenas' POV

I quickly wiped away the tears in my eyes. I shouldn't be crying over this. 

I don't want this anymore. 

I don't want to be 'famous' anymore. 

I grabbed my bag and started to throw my belongings into it - it was my survival kit to my runaway plan. I am leaving tonight as I cannot stay here any longer.

I quickly threw on black clothing and black sunglasses on so that no one would recognise me. I fixed my hair and applied minimal make-up. Walking over to my bed, I stuffed my pillow under my bed covers trying to make it seem as if I was asleep. I knew it wouldn't last for long, but it would stall some time for me to get out of this place. 

I tiptoed over to the balcony door and opened it as quietly as I could.

"This is it Selena. No turning back now." I whispered to myself. I switched my light off and started to climb down using the branches - years of practise! 

There was a secret passage to avoid the paparazzi, so I took this path until I came clear onto the road and found my way to my PA's house, who was also my make-up artist and hairdresser.

"Selena? What are you doing here at this time?" She questioned, looking at the time. She let me into her house and told me to sit down. Immediately, I started to cry explaining everything that had happened. 

I knew she wasn't impressed but she listened to me and comforted me.

"Can you do me a quick favour?" I asked. She nodded at my request and waited for my next response.

I told her I wanted to change my appearance so that when I arrived in Canada, no one would recognise me. 

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" She asked.

"Yes. I need a break." I confidently said.

She knew she didn't have a choice and started to begin with the change of my appearance. 

End of Selenas' POV

It was almost midnight and Mandy knocked on Selena's bedroom door.

"Selena. Please open the door." She said, twisting the doorknob and the door opened. 

She looked over to Selena's bed, sighing.

"I'm sorry. I really am, it won't happen again. I promise." She went to sit on the bed, placing her hand where she assumed Selena's head would be. She felt nothing but soft pillows.

"Selena?" She questioned, pulling back the covers to realise there was no one under there, she gasped and yelled for Brian. 

Brian rushed into the room, thinking of the worst. He looked over to Mandy who was holding the pillows and noticed an empty bed.

"She's gone?" He questioned. Mandy nodded her head and started to cry again.

"We'll find her Mandy, I promise."

Selenas' POV

I smiled at my new appearance. This was definitely going to work!

I booked a last minute flight to Canada. I wanted this to be as 'normal' as possible. 

I was pleased with myself and how this was the best decision I've made in a long while. 

I can finally be away from all this and go some place where no one knows who I am.

End of Selenas' POV

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