(4) Lost and Found

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"Hey guys! Sorry that I kept you waiting. I kinda fell asleep." Selena lied, covering up the fact that she was with Justin. Demi looked at her oddly, not believing her. While Miley giggled at her.

"You are an odd person Summer, but I like that about you. Oh and I heard Cailin started on you? Just slap that bitch next time, she needs a nose job anyways" She said, making the girls laugh together. They made their way into the cafeteria, settling down onto their table.

"I think I'll ignore her for now, but I'll keep your advice for next time!" Selena said, feeling happy that she was becoming open with new people. She started to eat a cheese sandwich, watching more people come and sit around the table.

Demis' POV
I greeted our friends as they sat down, they looked over at Selena probably wondering who she was.

"Oh yeah, guys this is Summer. My childhood best friend." I put my arm around Selena proudly. They all said hello to her in turns.

"And Summer..this is Ashley B, Ariana, Zac and Taylor L." I pointed to each individual and they smiled at Selena.
Selena greeted them all. I felt happy for Selena, she was finally feeling better from before. But something made me think that she wasn't telling the truth about falling asleep. The peaceful park, is quite peaceful but you can't just randomly fall asleep somewhere. Something happened and I was going to find out.
End of Demis' POV

They sat there for an hour and a half talking about the most random topics. Selena had made up a thousand lies by now, she couldn't tell the truth. She was quite shocked but happy that no one had recognized her.

Selenas' POV

This lunch period seemed to never end. I turned around to see Justin looking straight at me, he smiled and I quickly looked away hoping no one would have noticed.

*bell rings*

"Oh, well that's lunch over then!" Taylor groaned, we all got up to throw our litter away.

"It was nice though. That strawberry cheesecake was delicious!" Ariana licked her lips, making the rest of us laugh at her cuteness.

"Every lunch should be like this." Miley said, the others all agreed with her.

I walked over to my locker and looked in my bag. My eyes then widened, I couldn't seem to find my diary. Where was it? I rummaged through my bag.

Where the hell was it? I was getting so worried, it had all my secrets in it, if someone read it then everything will go wrong. Completely wrong. Did I leave it at the park? Oh no.

"C'mon Summer, Otherwise you'll be late."

"Are you okay?" She asked, probably noticing the worry plastered across my face. I couldn't tell her what I was looking for.

"Yeah, yeah everything is fine. I thought I left my favourite lipstick at home, but I just found it!" I said, giving a fake smile whilst applying it on my lips; making it believable. She giggled at my craziness, while I was still buried in my worry.

"Funny girl. C'mon!" She then shut my locker door and we began to walk to class. All I could think about was where my diary had gone too. I just hope it's still in the park.


Finally. School is over.

I hurried along, wanting to get out of here and into the park as soon as I could. I avoided Demi otherwise she would have wanted to come with me and ask hundreds of questions along the way. I ran to the park to where Justin and I were sitting. It wasn't here, how could this even be possible?! I am so worried now.
End of Selenas' POV


Justin walked along the hallway until he bumped into Cailin making him drop the diary; along with other books onto the floor.

"Oh what's this?" She questioned, attracted to the its colours and patterns.

"It's nothing! Just an..performing arts book." He said, grabbing the book out of her hands. Cailin shot him a weird look.

"Well..okay then. You still up for tonight baby?" She changed the subject, running her fingers along his trousers zipper. He gulped, trying to find his breath. She knew he was getting turned on. He grabbed her and took her to the Janitors closet; locking it so that no one would come in. He looked at Jasmine while she bit her lip.

He grabbed her face and kissed her deeply and she kissed back smiling.
She then slid her hands into the sides of his trousers, slowing taking his trousers down. She bent down and she slid down his boxers. She looked up and him as he stood there weakly. She knew what she had to do, so she didn't waste time.

*ten minutes later*

The both of them got out of the closet and quickly straightened themselves out, hoping no one had seen them, no one was around so they were safe.

"So was that an yes or a no?" She asked, giggling. He smirked at her and nodded his head. He quickly kissed her cheek and walked off as he spotted Alfredo and Ryan.


Selenas' POV
As soon as I got home, I saw Demi in the kitchen cooking food. I took my camo jacket off and laid it on top of the living room couch.

"Hey Selena, where'd you go after school?" She asked as soon as she saw me walk into the kitchen.

"Long story short, I lost my diary and I went to find it, but it wasn't there." I said, sighing.

"Well as long as there wasn't anything secretive written in there then?" She said but she looked at me and changed expressions. Of course there was going to be secrets in there, it's a diary!

"Or maybe there was. But don't worry, we'll find it Selena. Don't get stressed. Was there anyone you could think that saw you there?" She asked, concerned.

I sighed and looked down and explained to her about Justin. I didn't want to keep secrets from her so I told her everything that happened, including the kiss. Her eyes widened and my mouth dropped open. She instantly jumped to my side and squealed with excited. I thought she would have warned me to stay away from him, but she didn't. Why?

"I thought you were going to lecture me about him." I confessed.

"Silly girl, I would never! I love Justin. We're cousins." My face now dropped. She was cousins with a guy that I was probably in love with?

"I had no idea, seriously. Maybe that's why he's always watching my back." I told her and she smiled at me.

"I'm totally fine with you two hanging together and if you have feelings for each other then awesome! I'm happy for you two. I just want you to know that he doesn't treat girls so..nicely so maybe be careful." She added. I hugged her happily, I was glad she approved of it.
End of Selenas' POV

*knock on the door*

"I'll go get that." Demi said with excitement. Selena heard her running back trying to speak.

"It's Justin with his friends." She finally blurted out. Selena quickly got up and walked towards the stairs.

"I don't think he should know that I live here Demi. Please don't say a word! I'll be upstairs until he's gone." Selena pleaded and Demi nodded. She quickly ran to her room and closed the door shut.

Demis' POV
I opened the door to Justin, Alfredo and Ryan.

"Hey cute cousin." Justin welcomed me, kissing me on the cheek and then pulled me into a hug. I let them into the house and closed the door behind, looking up at the stairs.

"Is something wrong?" Ryan asked. I knew he cared about me, he was protective but I loved it. I loved him.

"No nothing at all!"

"We were going to go to mine, but it would have been boring. Listen Dems, there's a party on tonight and I would love it if you can come with us guys." Justin said. I sighed.

"Why oh why are you going to be partying on a school night Justin? It's not even worth risking."

"I need this party to change my mood, please? I'll love you forever. Plus, you need to look out for me. These douches won't be able too and I need you." He begged, hugging me tighter than ever. I laughed and nodded my head.

"Fine." I agreed.
End of Demis' POV


Justins' POV
I looked behind Demi and saw a jacket that reminded me of someone. Who?..I started to think of where I had seen it before otherwise I would be so frustrated and I wouldn't be able to focus.

That's who. Summer, it belonged to Summer.

But what was it doing here? Was she here? I had a confused look on my face.

"Urm, whose is that Demi?" I said, wanting to see what Demi would say back.

She followed my gaze and I could tell she was hesitating to answer.

"Oh..urm..I..it's Summers. She was here before and she must of left it." Obviously a lie, but I played along.

"Bring her tonight, it'd be fun." She nodded. I smirked, this was going to be great.
End of Justins' POV

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