Ginny Carney has been running since she was 17; running from the small town that stifled her, from her 'wild child' reputation, and from the boy she left behind. Now 25 Ginny finds herself a college dropout with no job, no boyfriend and forced to m...
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I didn't go back to sleep, I couldn't. I just kept seeing his face in my head; how it had turned to pure hate when he'd turned to face me. "Don't you dare call me that" his words echoed through my head. I had never heard him so angry in all our time together, all our fights as we went on again and off again, he had never sounded so angry. Laying in bed staring at the ceiling I replayed the interaction over and over again in my head. I don't know what I had expected. Had I expected him to crumple and fall into my arms? Had I expected him to forget that I had up and left without even giving him the courtesy of a phone call? I think that deep down I had. Had thought that he would see me and we would slowly just fall back into out old roles like I had with Beth. I had expected that he might be a little angry but I had never expected anything like this.
At 6:00am I decided that it was probably late enough that Beth would be up with Cindy. She picked up the phone on the first ring, "Ginny?" She asked confused, "What's up?"
"Something happened" I paused suddenly feeling like I was going to cry, "I talked to him, well not really but he saw me, he knows I'm back."
"What do you mean? What happened?" she asked and I told her. Told her how he'd crashed his car,
"I didn't think, I thought he could be hurt, he could have killed himself Beth! He wouldn't look at me, I didn't know if he knew it was me, I just wanted to help him" I trailed off.
"Ginny what did you do?" Beth said softly,
"I called him Cliff" I sighed, "It was an accident, it just slipped out, it was basically the only thing I ever called him but..." I felt my eyes prick and stopped talking, scared that I would cry.
"But the only other person who called him that was his mom" Beth finished for me, "Gin are you ok?" She asked softly.
"I've never seen him so angry" I practically whispered, "He hates me Beth" my voice cracked betraying my emotions,
"Oh honey, he's just in a bad place, he would have been like that with anyone" she said trying to make me feel better, I didn't think that either of us believed that but I let it go.
"He's going to kill himself with that car" I said and glanced across the street, I hadn't seen any lights go on and even though it was still early I was worried that he had hurt himself in a way that I hadn't noticed in the crash last night and was bleeding internally or into his brain or something.
"Why don't you give Kenny a call at the bar? Ask him to make sure he doesn't drive home" I heard Cindy start to cry in the background,
"Ok, I'll do that" it wasn't much but it was something that I could do to help him.
"Are you going to be ok Gin?" she asked sincerely but I could tell she was distracted,
"Yeah, yeah I'll be fine" I reassured her, "I've got to get ready for work anyways, go take care of your baby, she needs you more than I do"