Ginny Carney has been running since she was 17; running from the small town that stifled her, from her 'wild child' reputation, and from the boy she left behind. Now 25 Ginny finds herself a college dropout with no job, no boyfriend and forced to m...
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My day at the bakery after my night with Miles passed in a haze. While parts of the night had been good, great even, it had also been emotionally draining and I hadn't gotten much sleep. I worked on autopilot fuelled by way too much coffee but somehow I made it through the day. We were close to closing for the day when June looked up and smiled,
"I think your ride's here" she said and I looked to see Miles walking towards the door and my heart rate picked up.
"Hi girls" he smiled only slightly as he walked in the door. He looked sober, he looked good if a little tired.
"You're looking better today" June said brightly and Miles winked in my direction and I couldn't help the blush from spreading across my cheeks.
"I wanted to apologize" he said to June, "I wasn't quite myself the last time I was here and I think I was probably rude when you were just trying to help" He said sheepishly and I couldn't help but think how different this Miles was than the shattered empty boy who had sat in the corner booth only yesterday.
"Oh honey don't know worry" June said walking around the counter and wrapping him in a hug that looked almost comical since he towered over her, "You've been having a tough time, let me wrap up some cake for you." He tried to protest but there was no stopping June when she was trying to help and she soon hurried into the back to prepare a goody bag.
"You look ... clean" I said and I couldn't help the smile that spread to my face as I caught his eyes.
"And sober" he said proudly and leaned towards me over the counter.
"What are you doing here?" I asked. I had to admit I was happy to see him but I was very aware that we hadn't really discussed what had happened the night before and I wasn't really sure where we stood.
"Can I make you dinner?" He asked and I suddenly really wanted to lean across the counter and kiss him; the pull he had on me was dangerous and if I wan't careful I could very easily find myself broken.
"I don't know can you?" I teased. Teenaged Miles had barely been able to use a microwave never mind prepare a whole meal.
"I think you'll find I'm now a man of many talents" he said and I laughed while he smiled back at me, a real smile that spread all the way to his deep brown eyes. He sighed,
"What?" I asked,
"I really want to kiss you right now" he said dropping his voice just in case June was listening,
"Shut up" I rolled my eyes, "I'm at work" I said but I couldn't help but smirk since I had just been thinking the same thing.
"So dinner?" he asked again and I nodded,
"Just let me go shower and change first I feel like I'm living in a dirt cloud."
He smiled and shook his head, "Ok, I'll drive you home." I opened my mouth to protest, I really didn't mind walking home I had kind of come to enjoy it and I didn't want to make him wait around.