The Valadel Soundtrack

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So, just for fun, I've included a soundtrack of songs from various artists that I think really highlights the universe of Valadel, and gives it an atmospheric and unique feel from other fantasy worlds. Check em out below!

1.) It Will Come Back - Hozier

2.) Awake O Sleeper - The Brothers Bright

3.) No Good - Kaleo

4.) Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene - Seafret

5.) Glitter and Gold - Barns Courtney

6.) God's Gonna Cut you Down - Johnny Cash

7.) Me and Mine - The Brothers Bright

8.) Highway Tune - Greta Van Fleet

9.) Can't Go On Without You - Kaleo

10.) Arsonist's Lullabye - Hozier

There it is! Enjoy the music if you decide to give these songs a listen! Comment what you think about the music selection and if it accompanies the story well!

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