"Shhhhh!" Hushed Miles.
Gabrielen clumsily picked his sword off the ground. The weight felt awkward in his hand. He wasn't much of a warrior, never having been trained in the art. He was decent with a dagger, since they were smaller and easier to use, but couldn't compare with the skillful swordplay the students of the blade employed. The rest of the party had gotten into position, Danticus, Tyren and Valyn on the outskirts of the staircase surrounding the octagon shaped room that Tyren claimed to be the formal meeting room. Gallador, Tytus and Cristomir awaited the Scrag's arrival in the center of the room, where they would hopefully slay the horrendous beast. Miles insisted on coming with Gabrielen to ensure his safety, as much as he could at least. Gabrielen wish he hadn't.
"My mistake." He said.
Miles rolled his eyes. "You know, if you're going to impersonate a ranger, you ought to know how to wield a sword!" He said quietly. "Like this," He said, properly holding the sword, his hand gripping the hilt. Gabrielen did his best to imitate, but still didn't feel right with the sword in his hand.
"That monster is around here somewhere. What attracts it?"
"Perhaps blood..." Said Gabrielen.
"Well...what did so when he attacked Edwin?"
"Maybe the noise...or the light...I don't know, its beyond me." Said Gabrielen. They heard a small thud and immediately raised their weapons.
"Is that him?" Said Gabrielen.
"Gods...I hope not." Retorted Miles. They stared into the dark empty space, waiting for the beast to strike. Gabrielen could feel every muscle tighten in his body, straining with anticipation. He gripped his sword tightly, hoping he wouldn't have to use it just yet. Miles started taking steps toward the source of the noise.
"What in the abyss are you doing!?" Said Gabrielen quietly.
Miles didn't answer, but instead kept on inching closer to the gloomy hallway. Gabrielen shook his head and started following him, holding the swords edge close to his face. Which each step they took, Gabrielen felt more and more stress plague his mind. Gallador and the others were waiting for him, counting on him and Miles to lure the beast to them. Another thud was heard, this one louder. Miles froze in place. He squinted, trying to make out the faint figure in the dark. Weird grunts and pants were heard from down the hallway and Miles started to back peddle.
"Gods, gods, gods...he's coming."
The noises had become more clear, grunts of various sounds in the voice of what sounded like a child.
"Come on, you stupid beast!" Miles yelled, trying to get his attention.
"Sharp weapons!!!" They heard from down the hallway. The thudding stopped as the beast took air.
"Watch out!" Screamed Gabrielen. Miles rolled to his left, the beast hurling itself into the crumbly castle wall. It started screaming, pulling itself out of the crumbled, shallow hole it had created.
"Go, go, go!" Screamed Miles, pushing Gabrielen forward as they sprinted back. They ran as the beast freed itself, chasing them down with dangerous intent.
"Take this left!" Screamed Miles.
They continued running, realizing how far they strayed from the ambush. They turned the corner, and saw their party waiting them.
"Come on!!" Yelled Tytus.
The two warriors ran down the steps as they escaped the beasts grasp. They rolled to opposite sides of the room as the monster scuttled down the steps and in between the rangers.

FantasyThe First Book of the Valadel Series! For centuries, the race of Man has long ruled the land of Sylvetria, a world the elves and their magical teachings have long faded from. The life they have come to know is shaken, however, when an ancient castl...