Chapter VII

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Beads of sweat dripped down Danticus' forehead, brought on by the burning sun in the sky. His legs were numb and chafed from Ivory's saddle. As good of a steed as Ivory was, Danticus was excited to spend some time on his own legs, even if for a mere day. They had finally slowed their pace, as the grand city of Sandstar came into view, only a few mounds of gleaming sand and palm trees in their way. The rest of their trip south was uneventful, as Tytus insisted on traveling the main path after their incident with the bandits. The bandit attack still played out in Danticus mind, and he thought a lot about the woman, the one who led them into the trap. She seemed so genuine, even panicked. For it to have been a lie, a trap set to kill them and other unsuspecting disturbed him. And the way Tytus knew, the way he had killed those bandits...Danticus had no doubt every story he heard about Sir Baronstone was true.

Sixteen days passed since the bandit trap, each one the same, though Tytus seldom spoke. They would rise when the sun did, and stopped when it would set, and they would beat the trail under their horses hooves. 

What Tytus lacked in charm, he made up for in determination, Danticus thought to himself.

The two rangers were just outside of Sandstar now, the white stone city gleaming in the desert sun. Palm tree's surrounded the walls, and the warm ocean water below the cliffside was calm and gentle, and stretched as far as the eye could see. A breathtaking sight.

"Sandstar I presume?" Danticus asked.

"Yes, very astute," said Tytus sarcastically. "The capital of Valdor, and believe it or not, it isn't the largest city in the kingdom. That honor belongs to the twin cities of Sunkar and Sunkai. Come, the stables are over here."

They rode over to the Valdorian stables. Within its stalls rested camels, a species common in the south as mounts. They left their horses within their stalls after paying the stable master, who flashed a toothless smile. They entered the great white city, it's walls draped with blue banners showing off a white snake wrapped around a spear, the sigil of Valdor. The citizens themselves sported skin like copper, some bronze, others chocolate. They wore tunics of blue and brown, and the aristocratic residents wore gold and white. They started to the Valdorian record keep, where Scribe Jazmyn was said to spend most of her days.

Danticus couldn't help but admire the city. It was in such stark contrast to Jorden. Where Jorden was a great large, stone fortress, Valdor was a magnificent city carved of ivory and marble. Where Jorden was surrounded by hills and forests, Valdor was surrounded by tropical trees and desert sands. The Jordein people were pale and fair, stout and battle hardened warriors, at least most of them were, while the Valdorians were dark, elegant and had hair black like the night. Bazaars and market stalls filled the great city, vendors selling exotic furs, meats, pottery and instruments. Musicians played songs in the streets and Danticus imagined it was heard throughout the kingdom like a sweet, summer lullaby.

Maybe I ought take Adelyn here one day

"Is everyone here of wealth?" Danticus asked Tytus.

Tytus scoffed and shook his head. "Here, yes, in the whole city, no. This is Sandstar Villa, where the nobles and students of the college reside. Behind these pearly building of marble are the shanties and slums where I grew up, hiding underneath the shadows of the nobles."

Danticus nodded, and the illusion of Valdor's wealth slipped away.

Perhaps Adelyn and I will travel Sandstar Villa then...

They stopped in front of a library, pillars supporting the building and palms decorating it.

"This is where she should be, by word of Irving," said Tytus. "I'll speak with the record keeper." He went to do so, and after some conversation and the showing of papers, Tytus waved for Danticus to come with him upstairs. They arrived to a slightly open door, the sound of someone throwing around scrolls came from within.

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