Chapter XXX

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Joras sat in his refuge, trying to focus on reading some decree or treaty, he actually had no idea. The sun rose a little further above the horizon, and Joras desired to return to bed. He had been up all night, writing and reading, all related to the castle in the water. The expedition left nearly two days ago, and already, his desire to know what was in the keep was almost insufferable. He stood from his chair, wiped the tiredness away from his eyes, and slowly strode to the window that overlooked Red River Bay. The waves were small and gentle, as if the ocean were tired as well. He tried to find the castle, lost from the distance, but instead, found something else, something that shouldn't have been there. The Pride of Rorden. The great ship was docked in the bay, much to Joras' confusion. He scratched his short beard, squinting at the ship.

"Hmmm...." he muttered. He was confused. The ship left not even two days ago, there's no reason it should have returned already. He needed to speak with Edwin immediately. He went to his desk and put away his documents. He left his chambers and hurried to his court, quick to speak with Edwin and Gallador. His queen was already awake, standing by his throne as he came through the grand doors that led to his court. Pillars were along the wall, benches for the people resting next to them. He walked between them and approached his wife.

"Dear, you're awake already?" He asked his queen. Her blonde hair was golden from the sunlight that shone behind her.

"I couldn't sleep. Our baby kept me up all night." She stopped, and sat in her own throne next to the king's, her hands on her belly, her feet rubbing along the red carpet that led from the thrones to the doors.

"You didn't come to bed last night." She said.

"I know. That...that castle has all the land worried. Word has spread to other kingdoms. They all want to know what's in there. I'm drowning in their papers." He said. He sat in his throne next to his queen, removing his crown and massaging his temples.

"Sometimes...I wish you weren't the king. You're always so busy." She said.

Joras nodded. "I know. Sometimes, I wonder if we could just leave. Just go and live somewhere else, raise our children and live in a small village." He chuckled at the thought. "Of course, that could never happen. I have a duty to my people and my ancestors. The Freemanes have been on the throne for a thousand years...well, save for Ragnar."

"I know, Joras. But when our child is born, and you're never around? What then?"

"Victoria," he took her hands in his, "I will always be around. You know that. But I have duties, I'm the king of Jorden, I-"

"Yes, Joras, you're the king!" His wife emphasized. "You have your Squadrons, your advisors that can help you, why don't you let them? You bear the weight of Jorden only on your shoulders! Let others in, Joras." She said. Her hand stroke his forearm as they sat there.

"I know, I know..." Joras said. "I promise you, Victoria, once this castle business is finished, I'll start spending less time in my refuge, I promise."

"Thank you..." She said quietly. They both sat there, in silence, and the Queen awkwardly smiled. Finally, Joras stood. "Well, I...I need to speak with Edwin. Excuse me. I'll meet you later for dinner."

"I love you." She called after him as he left.

Joras turned to face her and smiled softly. He nodded and left. He would worry about his personal life later. Right now, he had to meet with Edwin and Gallador. Whatever was in this castle obviously drove them off quick. Whether it was dangerous or benevolent, he had to know and he had to know now. He left Castle Elderstone with his Kingsgaurd, and mounted his horse with his protectors in tow. He galloped over to the Tower of Rorden, where he was sure Gallador and Edwin would be. He was somewhat frustrated that they hadn't sought him out already. It was early, yes, but this assignment trumps any excuse or reason they may have. He dismounted and hitched his horse, and ordered his Kingsgaurd to await him outside. He approached the doors leading to the tower, much to the surprise of the guards who had not expected to see the king at such hours. They hastily opened the doors for their liege and he waved them off. He went to Gallador's office, where he assumed the warrior was. His office was empty, however, much to Joras' annoyance. A ranger pacing down the hall came to Joras' attention.

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