Valyn stood observing the grand doors that led to the outside world. Ice covered the edge of the doors, leaving a gaping middle between the them. Dimming sunlight peered through the entrance as the sun began to disappear behind the blue sea. Chunks and shatters of ice littered the floor, lying frozen and blue, unmelted. Valyn bent over and picked up a piece. It was as large as his finger and shaped like a tooth. To this day, his magic still fascinated him. His ice had never melted, plenty of pieces like the one he examined still remained scattered throughout Valadel. He was happy ice was his magic, compared to his uncle's fire and Aryanne's light. It was a finer, more focused element, unlike the passionate rage of fire, or the blinding fury of healing light. He twirled the problem piece of ice with his fingers, and it broke in half as he did so. Annoyed, he dropped the two pieces of ice to the floor as his uncle approached him.
"The Scrag has gotten through..." Tyren said grimly.
" magic was not strong enough to hold him off." Said Valyn, wearing an expression of self doubt. He sighed, furrowed his brow and shook his head. "Not like his would've been."
Tyren sympathetically placed his hand on his nephews shoulder. "Listen Valyn, your magic is powerful and something to fear, most certainly. But you have got to rid yourself of this image you have of your father as this almighty, powerful godlike elvor. He was just like you and me, and I believe one day, you'll become stronger than he ever was."
"I know uncle. I know. It's just...if he were alive, I wouldn't want him to be disappointed in me..."
"Someone who isn't with us can't be disappointed, son. I assure you, he is resting in the Palace of Souls watching over you and your sister, filled to the brim with pride. An one day, you will meet him. But that day is quite a ways away."
"Thank you uncle." His expression softened, and he turned his stare back to the broken structure of ice. "Now...about the Scrag...he's out there, and he's stronger than ever. That thing we saw earlier...that wasn't the scrag I knew. Why is he so big, why is he so strong?"
Tyren shook his head. "Only the Gods know. I'm afraid I have no answers for you, Valyn."
"Does he frighten you?" Valyn asked.
"Everything frightens me, Valyn. That is why we are still alive."
Valyn took his words in slowly. He nodded in agreement, thinking of the many times caution had saved their lives. "Well think we won't have to live in fear for much longer."
Tyren shook his head. "No, son...I'll always live in fear. Fear isn't the Scrag, its not the sword, or the bloodlust in the eyes of the man who wields's a darkness. It's the unknown. It's not knowing what waits for you around the corner, its not knowing if your magic will be able when you most need it. It's not knowing if the meal you have first in your day will be your last. Fear is what caused our kind to perish so many years ago, and yet its what has kept us alive for so many years. That is its nature. Fear is not something that can be stopped, its not something a magic spell can wave away. It's a curse. A curse you must live with. And if you can come to bear this curse, least that'll have a candle in the dark."
Valyn pondered his uncle words, and wasn't entirely sure he agreed with his uncle. There were many times when he set aside his fear to achieve something, times when having fear would do him no good. But there were times when fear had saved his life. And there would be many more times when he would call fear a friend.
"The scrag..." he finally said " you think it possible to kill him?"
Tyren scoffed. "Anything can be killed, of that I'm sure. The only real question is how." He paused. "Lets head back to the refuge. Nightfall will soon be upon us. We'll continue searching tomorrow. I hope to the Gods your sister is safe."

FantasyThe First Book of the Valadel Series! For centuries, the race of Man has long ruled the land of Sylvetria, a world the elves and their magical teachings have long faded from. The life they have come to know is shaken, however, when an ancient castl...