Chapter XLIV

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A gray, stormy sky hung over the ocean waters, the dark blue waves of the ocean lapping up the stone edges of Valadel. The ancient castle no longer rested in the waters of Jorden, the waves gently carrying it further and further away. Its monstrous residents still roamed its dark, ancient halls, feasting on the bodies of the dead. What was once the setting of grim tale now felt hollow and of no purpose.

A small ship of sailors had rode the waves of the raging ocean back to their land of prosperity from a fishing trip of little bounty. The hardened, salty men worked tirelessly to keep their ship brave to the storms, barking orders and hoisting sails. In a moment of sheer absurdity and clearance, the storm revealed to the sailors its residential castle. The dark stone walls of Valadel ripped through the fog, and hung the sailors jaws in awe.

Through the magnifying glass of a scope, the ship's lookout studied the structure further. He ran his vision across the towers, jagged edges, and its entrance, to which he swore he saw someone...or something.

"What in the name of..." He muttered to himself. He thoughtfully stroked his beard, somehow easing his mind and imagination as he did so. He turned to the helm of the ship to address its captain.

"Oy! Captain! Do you see this?!"

"Aye, Shay! I do!"

"Well, what you want to do then!"

"Best to leave it be, Captain. Only a bad omen, this is!" Said another sailor as he tightened ropes along the mast.

"Oh, omens are utter shite! Who knows what could be in there Captain! I says we take a look!"

"I second that captain!" Said another of the scurvy sailors.


The rowboat slightly collided with the side of the mysterious castle, the sailors quickly tying down their small vessel. They hoisted their bodies onto the rocky sides of the structure, and cautiously made their way to the entrance of the ominous building.

The sailors slowly descended into the shadowy depths of the castle, wary yet opportunistic all at once. Their steps were ginger, and their faces stoic. Their hands gripped around daggers and torches, tightening every step they took. The pangs of steel and growls echoed down the hallways. The grunts of a young man sounded after every collision.

"You hear that? Sounds like someone's in here."

"That's bloody impossible."

The monstrous growl of sheer pitch tore through the shadows, causing the hairs of the sailors to stand on end.

"Oh, to the abyss with this, I'm getting out of here!" cried one sailor, warily running back to the entrance, accompanied by a few of the other worried sailors.

"Oy, man up and get back here!" shouted Shay. He sighed as he stood alone in the castle as his company left him. He heard thundering footsteps shake the ground as they came closer and closer.

"Where is he go! Where!" screamed a gravely, high pitched voice that followed the thundering steps.

"What the bloody..." Shay trailed off as he drew his dagger. The footsteps came to an abrupt stop, a beast, stout in the shadows of a grand entrance hallway. The figure stood tall and strong, its claws dripping blood. He sniffed around, intent on finding his prey. His wandering head finally caught sight of Shay, and zoned in on the lone sailor. His throat uttered a low growl, and his frame hunkered low, quick to pounce.

"Good gods..." Shay uttered in disbelief.

The monster scratched the stone ground of the castle, sending eerie noises to the canals of the sailors ears. Fear nestled in his heart, as he knew this monster would end him.

"Sharp weapons..." Its glowing white eyes tore through the darkness as the shadows fled from his face. Its maw hung low as dark, gray saliva dripped to the floor, intertwined with blood. As fast as Shay could scream, the monster pounced, its claws painting the stone floor with the sailors salty blood. It feasted, tearing its teeth through the flesh of its prey.

"Sharp weapons..." It exclaimed once more, dropping the chunks of the sailor from its hands to the stony floor. The monster turned around and quickly ran into the embrace of the shadows, quick to find the true prey it still stalked.

The one that within this castle was truly cursed.


(Thanks for reading, and I'd love to know what you think! Sound off in the comments! Your feedback is always appreciated!)

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