Chapter XXXIV

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Thornshield manor was truly a grand residence. The building itself was two stories, and a whole training yard wide. At least fifteen bedrooms filled the what would otherwise be cavernous manor. Along the perches of the roof were lion heads, symbolizing Jorden's sigil. The stone was finely chiseled, being lined with carved oak. Gallador seldom visited the manor. It was a gift given to him when he became Arch Ranger by the king. Instead, his daughter took care of the needs of the glorified house, alongside her staff of servants. In her room, she silently wept. She had been weeping ever since that news came of both her father and lover's death. All she had now was her child. She touched her belly affectionately. She wiped her red and puffy eyes, the well of her tears running dry. A servant had knocked on her door.

"My lady?" Said the elderly servant.

"Yes Gerald?" She said.

"Someone is here to see you. He insisted to come inside, but we told him to wait for your response."

"I don't wish to be visited right now, Gerald. Please send them away."

"Very well, my lady."

He left her and went to send her visitor. Jenna was fearful Thornshield manor would suffer without it's rightful owner. But if the king was as good as friends with her father as she thought, perhaps he would show mercy.

From out her door, the echoes of a worried Gerald bounced off the walls of the manor. "Sir, she said she wanted no visitors! Please leave!" Storming footstep made their way from the entrance and up the stairs, closer and closer to her room. She stood from her chair in a quick and panicked manner. She grabbed the letter opener that rested on her desk. Finally, the footsteps stopped right in front of her door. She swallowed the stress that built up in her throat and held the sharp letter opener in her hand.

"Sir, I'm warning you! I'm going to get the city guard!" Said Gerald. A thud was heard from behind the door as Gerald apparently fell. The door knob twisted and the door was opened.

Jenna dropped the letter open and raised her hands to her mouth. She cried tears of disbelief and joy. Cristomir stood in the doorway, smiling and crying joyful tears as well.

"Hi," he said.

She laughed a little bit. He took a steps toward her and finally, she ran to him. He scooped her up in his arms and swung around. She kissed him repeatedly, on the lips, cheek, everywhere she could plant her lips. He put her down and they shared a moment of intimacy.

"I...I thought..." She started.

Cristomir kissed her forehead. "I know...I know...but I'm not, and I promise, I'm not going anywhere." He held her face in his hands. He knelt down to her stomach and kissed it, his little boy or girl, resting gently within his mother. He went back to Jenna and gave her another kiss on her lips. Moments passed as they held each other.

"What about my father?" She asked.

Cristomir still held her and sighed. "I'm sorry..."

Jenna nodded slowly. She was always prepared for news of his death, his job demanded her to do so. But when the news does come, no one can truly prepare for it. But, the father of her child was alive. And that was enough for her. Cristomir spotted the letter opener on the floor.

"Were you going to stab me with that?" He asked.

Jenna blushed. "I didn't know it was you who fought his way through all my scary old servants to see me."

They kissed again, this time more passionate. "Shut the door..." Said Jenna with a heavy breath. Cristomir did the task with no hesitation. He shut the door on the wide eyed Gerald and went back to his future wife. He kissed her again and started pushing her back to her bed. Jenna fell onto the soft bedding and Cristmor ran his lips along her neck. She moaned softly and the two lost each other in their passion.

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