Before We Begin...

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Due to the wonderful feedback I received with my Avatar: The Last Airbender fanfic series, I just had to make one for Legend of Korra! This is a continuation of the last series, following the story of Saki's granddaughter. I want to say that this for those that weren't happy with Saki's untimely death — but, truth be told, it was because I fell in love with this storyline and absolutely love the feedback I've received throughout the series.

Try to see how many things carried over from the last story ;)

I know I said it would be a while before I published this (and, honestly, I should've stuck with that statement considering I'm going two plays and a musical all at once while also trying to graduate) but I can't stop writing!

I really hope you enjoy this as much as you did the last one. This story will crossover with MissPrima 's story, Heroes.

I truly hope you all enjoy this!

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