Meet Leinani

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I'm not sure why, but I felt compelled to do a Character page for you guys to get to know Leinani a bit more. I swear that I'll actually have a new chapter soon. Enjoy!

Name: Leinani (lay-NAH-nee) Ho

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Name: Leinani (lay-NAH-nee) Ho

Age: 19

Nationality: Fire Nation

Ethnicity: Water Tribe, Fire Nation

Personality traits: Standoffish, stubborn, apathetic, compassionate at times, impatient, assertive

Background: Being compared to her grandmother was aggravating. No matter what she did, it always resulted in "Saki wouldn't do this" or "Saki never did that" or "Saki would've done it this way". Ergo, she begged to live in Republic City so that she could make her own reputation. However, this backfired when she got involved with the Triple Threat Triad, where she met Mako and Bolin. She lost contact with the boys after disappearing on a mission, having seen something that she wished she could forget — and she won't tell anyone what she saw. She was the golden girl for the gang, and her connection with the royal family was the only thing keeping her out of prison. That, and the fact that she was hardly ever caught. Her hatred for the Avatar stems from her comparison to Saki. To avoid living life in her shadow, Leinani refused any involvement with the Avatar or anything related.

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