Chapter 3

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"Leinani," Hiroshi sighed, "I need to talk to someone, and you seem to be the only person I can trust. Close the door, please."

I nodded, closing the door and stepping toward his desk. "Is there a problem, sir?"

His hands were folded, elbows propped on the desk as he thought his words over. "Are you aware of this man that's been appearing in the news recently?" He asked. "He's leading a group called the equalists."

"I haven't heard of him," I replied earnestly. "What are the equalists?"

"Their goal is to end the reign of benders, including the Avatar," he explained. He fell silent, then looked directly up at me. "May I confide in you, Leinani? I believe we have built a good enough foundation for this." When I nodded, he continued, "My wife was killed by benders. Ever since, I've had a very strong disliking towards them, especially someone as powerful as the Avatar. I don't believe that one human being should hold such power... What is your opinion on the Avatar, Miss Ho?"

Hesitantly, I looked down and replied, "Honestly, I can't say that I'm too fond of the Avatar either - if I'm being completely honest. Not because of the power aspect, though." I sat in the chair in front of his desk, looking directly at him now. "I've noticed that, after the Avatar came to Republic City, things have gotten...well....worse. I understand the Avatar's purpose is to bring balance, but an enforcer of good only invites an evil to challenge it. There's a sense of entitlement - have you noticed? Everyone is expected to worship this all powerful being and not question their choices."

Mr. Sato chuckled, "You're a very opinionated young woman."

"I'm an apathetic, sir," I said flatly, telling a half-truth again. "I run on logic instead of emotion."

He chuckled again. "I knew you were a good choice. That's why I have a special project that I could use your help with." He stood from his desk and walked towards the door. "Follow me."

I gawked at the sight of the unfinished machines. They were shaped like large human bodies, claws in place of hands and a glass dome where the head should be. "What are these?" I asked.

"Mecha tanks," Mr. Sato said proudly. "I must say, they're my greatest work." He looked at me and added, "Actually, there's another thing I'd like to show you." He disappeared for a moment, then returned with an oversized glove. "This little beauty is my greatest work - aside from Asami, of course. One touch is all it takes to render someone unconscious."

I looked from the glove to my employer. "I see," was all I could muster up. I bit my lips together before asking, "What is it you need my help, exactly?"

"I need you to get close with the Avatar," he instructed. "My daughter has become close with the Avatar's friends. It's only a matter of time before she becomes friends with her as well."

"So I'm your spy," I said.

"Exactly!" He smiled. "I knew you were a good choice." Mr. Sato began walking away but stopped at the warehouse exit. "Miss Ho, I suggest that you don't disappoint me. Don't let my daughter know what I've told you," he warned. "If you give yourself away, consider your job here terminated and yourself the first target of my creations."

With that, he left me in the underground warehouse with the glove in my hands. I looked down at it and frowned. Maybe it was true that I hated the idea of the Avatar, but harming someone like this was not in my job description.

Then again, I've done worse when working with the Triple Threats.

I sighed and set the glove aside. I guess it's time for me to get to work, I thought.

"Miss Ho," Hiroshi's secretary said in her usual monotone the next morning. "Mister Sato wants you to fetch his daughter right away."

"I'm on it," I sighed, knowing exactly what the instruction entailed. I stood up and smoothed out my clothes. I hadn't slept much, and it was beginning to show. Dark circles were beginning to form around my eyes, looking slightly grey. Shady Shin's fancy gifts were the only thing distracting from mu awful appearance.

I may be apathetic, but I know when something is wrong - and Hiroshi Sato's affiliation with this Amon person was definitely wrong.

I found Asami by her race track with Bolin and the girl that always seemed to be with him. Bolin and I locked eyes, and I smirked. He blushed again in response, which caught the attention of both girls. Asami turned around and flashed a smile at me. "Leinani!" She paused. "Wait, you never want to come out here. Is everything okay?"

I nodded. "Everything's fine," I said, then looked at Bolin, who looked down awkwardly. I looked at the girl, who seemed just as awkward as Bo.

"That's Dakota," Asami smiled, finally giving a name to the face that I seemingly kept seeing. "She's friends with Avatar Korra."

"Ah," I smirked a bit. "You're the Avatar's lapdog."

Asami elbowed me in the side and hissed, "Be nice."

"It's okay," Dakota said, though it was obvious that she didn't mean it. "I've heard it enough from Mako to not be bothered by it."

"You're an awful liar," I stated. Asami hissed again, but I ignored her. "If something bothers you, you should tell that person."

Bolin finally looked up and flashed a hint of a smile. "I see you haven't changed," he said. "I think you and Dakota will get along. Her grandparents were S-"

"Chief Sokka and Mika. I know," I finished the fact for him. When Dakota tilted her head inquisitively, I pointed to the boomerang at her side, "When you flaunt that around, one can only assume."

Bolin laughed a bit, lightening up now as he looked at Dakota. "Leinani's grandmother is Saki."

Dakota beamed. "Our grandparents were best friends!"

"Awesome! Wow!" I replied with mock excitement. "Oh wow, we should just, like, be the best of friends and braid each other's hair and save the world together!"

Dakota opened her mouth, but didn't get a chance to reply due to the a girl - presumably Avatar Korra - yanked her away and shouted, "Dakota and I need to airsit! I mean babybend! I mean babysit the airbender babies!"

I looked to Bolin and Asami for an answer, but they only shook their heads.

This was going to be an interesting mission, that's for sure.

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